Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Interslavic Bosnia And Herzegovina
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
Papak is a person who does not know the manners, who does not know the unwritten rules, who lacks social skills, who might have all the material stuff but lack basic knowledge of gramma, who might have been born in a centre of a big city but not be street smart.
“Ne budi papak, pridruži nam se na zabavi večeras!”
“Don’t be a papak, join us at the party tonight!”
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Frequently BY Everybody
It can be translated as spite, but the meaning is not quite the same. It's used when you want to say you're doing something (or not) deliberately that someone told you to do.
"Ovo dete mi tera inat svaki dan! Kažem mu da ne dira šporet, a onda on namerno suprotno radi i smeje mi se u facu!"
"This kid spites me every day! I tell him not to touch the stove, and then he deliberately does the opposite and laughs in my face!"
Submitted March 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Frequently BY Everybody
(in spite) • Usually translated as "in spite", however, it has a positive meaning. It means persisting and succeeding in something against all odds. Like a mother shouting at their child for bad behavior, but secretly being proud of the kid for whatever it is he or she did. It is taking the wrong road, but ploughing forward regardless. It's the ultimate middle finger to seemingly insurmountable odds.
"In spite!"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(behind God's legs) • Describes something that is extremely far away in a comical way.
"Nikada ne bih putovao za Japan, to je Bogu iza nogu."
"I'd never travel to Japan, it's behind God’s legs."
Serbian Serbian speaking countries
Proverb USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(a lie has short legs) • It's used to express the fact that every lie will be revealed in the end. A person with short legs won't go far and so won't any lies.
"On neće moći ovo da krije još dugo. U laži su kratke noge."
"He won't be able to hide this for much longer. A lie has short legs."
Submitted May 2021 by milicavas4
Serbian Serbian speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Older as well as young people
(drunk as a Mother) • It's often used to describe a very drunk or intoxicated person who can't even stand or walk properly. It was made a long time ago when pregnant women used to drink alcohol to ease their pain when giving birth.
"Došao je sinoć kući pijan kao majka. Nije mogao na nogama da stoji."
"He came home last night drunk as a Mother. He couldn't stand on his own feet."
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(where wolves mate) • It's used to refer to a place in the middle of nowhere or far away.
"Nalazimo se u vukojebini."
"We are where wolves mate."
Submitted January 2021 by icequeen88
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(you could spread him on bread) • Someone that is too nice and sometimes even easily manipulated.
''He is so nice, you could spread him on bread.''
''Toliko je dobar, možeš na hleb da ga namažeš.''
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Serbian Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro
Expression USED On Occasion BY People from the Balkans, almost every generation
(from mothers vagina ) • Used when someone lives or comes from a far city, village or country or when you want to say that someone or something is far away.
“Odakle je?” “Ma iz pičke materine!”
“Where is he from?” “From mother’s vagina!”
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Some People
(to tear down the snowman) • It means to disappoint someone by telling them the truth or the opposite of what they would like to hear.
''Nadam se da će profesor odložiti test ako ga lepo zamolimo." " Ne bih da ti rušim sneška, ali nema šanse! "
"I hope the professor will reschedule the test if we ask him nicely." "I hate to tear down your snowman, but no way that's gonna happen!"
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Serbian Serbian speaking countries
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(behind god's legs) • Used as a location of a faraway place. Also in the context of having to travel to the other side of the same city to do a chore if it's not easy to reach from your location.
"Poštar mi nije isporučio paket na kućnu adresu. Sad moram da idem u glavnu ispostavu, bogu iza nogu."
"Postman hasn't delivered my package at home. Now I have to go pick it up at the main logistics center, behind god's legs."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Adults
Pičkovac arises from the word pička which means pussy. Pičkovac indicates a faraway place or a place that is hard to reach.
''Ma on dolazi iz pičkovca, čekaćemo ga još.''
''He is coming from pičkovac, we will wait for him more.''
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(noun) • (where wolves go to mate) • A very remote and unknown place or in the middle of nowhere.
"U sred smo neke vukojebine."
"We're in the middle of somewhere where wolves go to mate."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(where wolves mate) • A faraway land or town. Place deserted or forgotten.
"Žive u nekoj vukojebini."
"They live in a place where wolves mate."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Serbian Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Montenegro
Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(like a slap to the fool) • Used to refer to something that perfectly fits, something that is perfect match.
"Godišnji odmor bi mi legao kao budali šamar."
"Holiday leave would lay to me like a slap to the fool."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
(n.) • It knows no gender, it can be used both for guys and girls, like buddy or mate.
"De si gari, šta ima?"
"Hey mate, what's up?"