Spanish Costa Rica

echar los muertos

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to throw the dead bodies) • It means blaming someone innocent for something you did.

"¡Yo no fui! ¡No me eche los muertos!"

"It wasn't me! Don't throw the dead bodies at me!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Italian Italy

alla fin della fiera

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(at the end of the fair) • It means "after all".

"Beh, alla fin della fiera oggi non ho concluso nulla."

"Well, at the end of the fair today I accomplished nothing."

Confirmed by 6 people


Spanish Spanish speaking countries

uña y mugre

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(nail and dirt) • Inseparable, just like a nail and the dirt underneath.

"Esos dos son uña y mugre: van juntos a todos lados."

"These two are nail and dirt - they go everywhere together."

Confirmed by 4 people

English United States


Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • A sparkling drink.

"What pop would you like, ma'am?" "A root beer, please."

Confirmed by 5 people

English United States

to drink the Kool-Aid

Reference USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

When someone has been persuaded to join a cause due to peer pressure. Meaning a persuasive personality has gotten you to believe in their cause. Usually has a negative connotation. This is a reference to the Jonestown mass suicide of 1978 when a cult leader mixed cyanide in Kool-Aid and had his followers drink it.

“Did you see Sue today?” “Yeah, she really drank the Kool-aid didn’t she?”

Confirmed by 4 people

French French speaking countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Young People

(n.) • (hole-filler) • It describes a person used as a replacement of another person in a group.

"Elle a parfois l'impression d'être le bouche-trou de la bande ; elle est invitée à manger ou faire la fête avec eux seulement quand ça les arrangent."

"She sometimes has the feeling of being the group hole-filler; she's invited to eat or party with them only when it suits them."

Confirmed by 11 people


French French speaking countries

saigner des yeux

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to bleed from the eyes) • Used when you see or hear something very unpleasant.

"Je saigne des yeux à chaque fois que je lis ses messages : il fait tellement de fautes d'orthographes!"

"I bleed from the eyes whenever I read his messages: he does so many spelling mistakes!"

Confirmed by 9 people


English United States


Sound USED On Occasion BY Millenials

Translation of the acronym "LOL" (laugh out loud) when reading text written by members of the Horde faction as an Alliance player in the online multiplayer game World of Warcraft (WoW). The use of this term spread throughout the rest of the internet during the height of WoW's popularity, used in place of 'lol'.

"This is a funny joke." "kek"

Confirmed by 3 people

English United States


Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Military

An acronym that is widely used to stand for the sarcastic expression 'Situation Normal: All Fucked Up'. It is a well-known example of military acronym slang. It means that the situation is bad, but that this is a normal state of affairs. The acronym is believed to have originated in the United States Marine Corps during World War II.

"What's the current situation in there?" "It's a real SNAFU. Everything is literally on fire." "So, same as usual."

Confirmed by 3 people


English United States


Slang USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (1) No-heel-strap sandal. It is an onomatopoeia of the sound made by the sandals when walking in them. Also known as a 'thong' in Austrailian English. (2) To be indecisive when making a decision; To come to a different conclusion (repeatedly); This is often seen as a negative trait in politics.

(1) "I'm going to the beach." "Don't forget to pack your flip-flops." (2) "First you were pro-gun control. Now you're against it. How can we trust you in office if you keep wanting to flip-flop on the issues?"

Confirmed by 5 people



English Southern States, United States

the devil's beating his wife

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

A phrase that means 'it is raining while not overcast, so the sun is still visible, and it is bright outside despite the rain'.

"Take a look out the window and tell me what the weather's like." "The devil's beating his wife." "Hopefully it'll clear up soon; I forgot my umbrella."

Confirmed by 3 people

Romanian Romania

ca baba și mitraliera

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(Like an old lady and a machine-gun) • It means that someone does not fit for the task or that two things have nothing in common.

"Dickerson a fost ca baba și mitraliera, pregătirile au întârziat și expediția nu a fost lansată."

"Dickerson was like an old lady and a machine-gun, the preparations stalled and the expedition was not launched."

Spanish Colombia


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(noun) • (gonorrhea ) • It can be used to: 1) demean someone, 2) friendly call someone, 3) describe something really bad or really good, 4) talk about someone who's really mean 5) compliment someone who's really good at what they do, and 6) describe surprise.

1) "Ese man es una gonorrea"(ofensa); 2) "Vamos a la casa de esa gonorrea" (amistoso). 3) "El arroz estaba una gonorrea" (adjetivo negativo) "Ese partido estuvo una gonorrea" (adjetivo positivo) 4) "Él toca una gonorrea" (halago) 5) "¿En serio se murió? Que gonorrea." (sorpresa)

1) "That man is a gonorrhea" (offensive); 2) "Let's go to that gonorrhea's house" (friendly) 3) "The rice was a gonorrhea (negative adjective)" "The match was gonorrhea." (positive adjective) 4) "He plays gonorrhea" (compliment) 5) "Did he really die? What a gonorrhea." (surprise)

Confirmed by 2 people



Portuguese Brazil

voa, muleque

Expression USED On Occasion BY Usually fathers to son or male friends to male friends

(fly, brat) • Used to wish success or good luck.

"Vou estudar muito para o vestibular." "Voa, muleque!"

"I'll study hard for college exams." "Fly, brat"

Confirmed by 3 people

Russian Russia


Sound USED Frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for eating.

"Омномном... обожаю жареные картошки."

"Omnomnom... I love fried potatoes."

Confirmed by 4 people


Portuguese Portugal

És de Braga?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(Are you from Braga?) • Every time someone leaves a door open that shouldn't we regularly ask this. Braga is a city in the north of the country.

"Deixaste a porta aberta? És de Braga, é?"

"Did you leave the door open? Are you from Braga?"

French French speaking countries

se prendre un râteau

Expression USED Frequently BY People Under 30

(to take oneself a rake) • Used when you tell someone that you like him/her and (s)he doesn't like you back. When you are the one whose feelings are hurt, you "take yourself a rake". When you are the one who hurts the other person's feelings, you "give a rake" (mettre un râteau).

"Je me suis pris un râteau hier... Je lui ai dit que je l'aimais bien et il m'a répondu : "Désolé, t'es pas mon type"."

"I took myself a rake yesterday... I told him that I liked him and he replied: "Sorry, you're not my type"."

Confirmed by 8 people


Romanian Romania

A se duce pe apa Sambetei

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(To leave on the Saturday's water) • to lose something

"Probele s-au dus pe apa sâmbetei."

"The evidence left on the Saturday's water."


Romanian Romania and Moldova

a-și băga piciorul

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to stick his feet in) • To give up, often because the situation did not go as originally planned.

"Jur că, de când maică-ta și-a băgat picioarele, spatele mă doare mai rău."

"I swear that since your mom stuck her feet in, my back has gotten worse."

Romanian Romania

a-i sări muștarul

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to have his mustard jump off) • to lose temper

"Ascultându-l pe soțul meu că spune asta, mi-a sărit muștarul."

"Hearing my husband say that, it had my mustard jump off."