English Various countries


Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Young people

Stands for "not gonna lie" and is used before a statement that might be perceived as strange, or too honest. As an acronym, it's mostly used online.

"What do you think of my painting?" "ngl, it's not your best."

Confirmed by 24 people

Spanish Various countries


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • Word from the Quechua language meaning 'increase' and people usually say that when they receive some extra for free when they purchase at markets or local stores.

"Bien, aquí tiene, un kilo de manzanas y va con yapa."

"OK, there you have it, one kilo of apples and something extra"

English Various countries


Acronym USED On Occasion BY Young People

Short for "I don't give a fuck"

"idgaf what anyone thinks"

Confirmed by 7 people

Malay Various countries

main kayu tiga

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(playing three sticks) • This expression is used to refer to someone who has an affair outside of their marriage.

"Kamu tak dengar berita ke? Syed tu tengah main kayu tiga dengan bosnya!"

"Haven't you heard the news? Syed is playing three sticks with his boss!"



Esperanto Various countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (to crocodile) • The act of speaking one language when another is more appropriate.

"Komencantoj devas lerni ne krokodili"

"Beginners need to learn not to crocodile"

German Various countries

einen Zahn zulegen

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to gain a tooth ) • To do something faster.

"Du bist so langsam, leg mal einen Zahn zu!"

"You're so slow, gain a tooth!"

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch Various countries

een kat in een zak kopen

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to buy a cat in a bag) • Buying somehing that ends up being very disappointing

"Test eerst even de auto voordat je hem koopt, je wil geen kat in een zak kopen!"

Try out the car before you buy him, you don't want to buy a cat in a bag!

Yoruba Various countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Religious people

(n.) • (head) • It is someone's spiritual intuition and identity. It guides their destiny, their path throughout life and afterlife. To the Yoruba, santería and candomblé religions, each person has an entity that guards their ori (an òrìṣà/orichá/orixá).

"Ọṣun ṣe aabo fun ori rẹ."

"May Oshun protect your head."



Russian Various countries


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adjective) • Equivalent to the English "cool".

"Наконец-то купил себе велосипед." "О, круто."

"I finally bought myself a bicycle." "Wow, cool."

Confirmed by 2 people


German Various countries

sich die Kante geben

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(v.) • (to give oneself the edge) • To get really drunk.

"Sie hat sich letzte Nacht so richtig die Kante gegeben."

"She really gave herself the edge last night."

Confirmed by 8 people


French Various countries

ménage à trois

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(household of three) • A romantic or sexual relationship involving three people; threesome.

"Il pense au ménage à trois."

"He's thinking about a household of three."

Confirmed by 15 people

Spanish Various countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(noun) • (casserole ) • Comes from the word “cacerola” meaning "pan". It’s a form of peaceful protest in which protestors create noise by banging together pots and pans. The tradition began in medieval times to shame men who’d marry young girls. It was then taken on by French revolutionaries, and now protestors in Latin America.

“El descontento de la gente ha provocado cacerolazos en Argentina.”

“The people’s discontent has led to the banging on pots and pans in Argentina.”

Russian Various countries


Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone

(#FreeHachaturyanSisters) • A hashtag created to support the Hachaturyan sisters, who are at risk of imprisonment after the planned murder of their own father. For a long time, the Hachaturyan sisters were subjected to domestic violence and coercion into sexual acts by their father.

"Нет оправдания насилию в семье! #свободусестрамхачатурян"

"There is no excuse for domestic violence! #FreeHachaturyanSisters"

Confirmed by 3 people




Russian Various countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It reflects the highest degree of laughter. Equivalent to the English 'LOL' and 'kek'.

"Классный анекдот, я просто ору."

"Cool joke, LOL."

Confirmed by 4 people




Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for sarcastic laughter.

"Этим ребятам не везется сегодня. Гыгыгыгыгы"

"These guys are not lucky today. Ha ha ha"

Confirmed by 3 people

Arabic Gulf, Various countries


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(what color are you?) • The common way to ask 'how are you?'.

"شلونك؟ " "زين شكرا"

"What colour are you?" "I'm good, thank you."

Russian Various countries


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Slang word for car.

"Чья это тачка вон там?"

"Whose car is that over there?"



Russian Various countries


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • It means cool.

"У тебя клёвая машина."

"You have a cool car."



Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Кхм, кхм, кхм... помоги мне с багажами, пожалуйста."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem... help me with my luggage, please."

Confirmed by 5 people



English Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The English sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Ahem, I'm still here."

Confirmed by 15 people