Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

Zo zot als een achterdeur

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(As crazy as a back door) • used to refer to someone who is very crazy, or behaving like they are.

"Caligula was zo zot als een achterdeur: hij benoemde zelfs zijn paard tot consul!"

"Caligula was as crazy as a back door: he even made his horse consul!"

Dutch Belgium


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(adjective) • (ladder drunk) • Very drunk.

"Hij is echt ladderzat, hij heeft heel de wc ondertussen al ondergekotst"

"He is really ladderdrunk, in the mean time he already threw up all over the bathroom"

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • An ability to put things into perspective, which happens to be an important quality to have in Dutch culture.

"Het is belangrijk om een beetje relativeringsvermogen te hebben."

"It's important to have 'relativeringvermogen'"

Confirmed by 3 people

Dutch Netherlands

dweilen met de kraan open

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to mop with the tap open) • It means to do something without having any chance on succes, or starting something you can’t finish.

"Het bestrijden van drugs is dweilen met de kraan open."

"The battle against drugs is mopping with the tap open."

Dutch Belgium


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (french fry shed) • This is a place where you would buy french fries, as well as the additional snacks like a gehaktbal or a curryworst.

“Ik ga vanavond naar het frietkot voor een vers pak friet!”

“Tonight I'm going to the french fry shed to get some fresh fries!”

Dutch Netherlands

vlees noch vis

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(neither meat nor fish) • When something or someone is neither one nor the other, doesn’t belong to anything specific.

“Deze publicatie is vlees nog vis, is het dagboek of een autobiografie? “

"This publication is neither meat nor fish, is it a dairy or an autobiography?"

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch Netherlands

feest der herkenning

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(party of recognition) • An experience that is enjoyable because it evokes a feeling of recognition.

"Ik vond vorige week al mijn oude LP's. Ik heb ze meteen opgezet, en het was echt een feest der herkenning."

"I found all my old LPs last week. I put them on immediately, and it was a real party of recognition."

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands

flauwe grap

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(weak joke) • A bad joke.

"Jeetje, wat een flauwe grap."

"Geez, what a weak joke."

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(adjective) • When something is very full (as if it were about to explode).

"Mijn inbox is echt bomvol."

"My inbox is bomb full."

Confirmed by 3 people




Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • (stress chicken) • A stress-prone person, or someone who stresses a lot.

"Doe even rustig, je bent echt een stresskip."

"Calm down, you are such a stress chicken."

Confirmed by 3 people


Flemish Belgium

zo zot als een deur

Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

(as crazy as a door/backdoor) • Used when someone is completely out of their mind, doing something stupid or just acting really crazy. Also, in old Dutch ‘deur’ meant something as ‘fool’, so it doesn’t actually refer to a door, although no one really uses it that way anymore.

“Heb je gehoord wat hij vorig weekend heeft gedaan?” “Ja, hij is echt zo zot als een achterdeur!”

“Did you hear what he did last weekend?” “Yeah, he really is as crazy as a backdoor!”

Dutch Netherlands

als Pasen en Pinksteren op één dag vallen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People

(when Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day) • Used to say that something will never happen.

"Mama, wanneer krijg ik een PlayStation?" "Als Pasen en Pinksteren op één dag vallen."

"Mom, when do I get a PlayStation?" "When Easter and Pentecost fall on the same day."

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands

je op glad ijs begeven

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to find yourself on slippery ice) • To be in a situation where you have to be very careful, or else you will get into trouble.

"Let op je woorden, jongedame. Je begeeft je op glad ijs."

"Watch your language, young lady. You are on slippery ice."

Confirmed by 3 people

Dutch Netherlands

houtje touwtje

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(little wood little rope) • When something is not really well put together, as if it were handcrafted from only wood and rope.

"Het achterlicht van de auto ging stuk, voor het moment heb ik het houtje touwtje gerepareerd"

"The backlight of my car was broke, for the moment I fixed it little wood little rope"

Confirmed by 3 people

Dutch Flanders, Belgium


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • When you are in the mood for something to eat or drink, sometimes for something specific, sometimes for food in general. Could also be used in an explicit sense.

"Ik heb goesting in een goei stuk chocolat."

"I am in the mood for a big piece of chocolate."

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch Netherlands

vies weer

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(dirty weather) • When it is very rainy.

"Ik was van plan een stukje te gaan lopen, maar het is echt vies weer buiten."

"I was planning on taking a walk, but the weather outside is really dirty."

Confirmed by 5 people

Dutch Netherlands

ver te zoeken

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(far to seek) • When something is not present.

“De motivatie is weer ver te zoeken vandaag.”

“The motivation to study is far to seek today.”

Confirmed by 6 people


Dutch Belgium

het hol van Pluto

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(the ass of pluto) • Literally 'In the ass of Pluto' It means in the middle of nowhere

"Hij woont echt in het hol van Pluto!"

"He really lives in the ass of Pluto!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Belgium


Reference USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

A name for an obscure, far away country in your language.

"Ik weet niet exact waar deze gebeurtenis plaatsvond, ergens in Verwegistan."

"I don't know exactly where this event happened, somewhere in Verwegistan"

Confirmed by 2 people



Dutch Netherlands


Name USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • (Farawayistan) • A proverbially obscure, far away country. Literally means 'farawayistan', and is used similar to Timbuktu or Outer Mongolia in English.

"Door de Coronacrisis kunnen we voorlopig verre reizen naar Verweggistan wel even vergeten."

"Because of the Corona crisis, we can forget about long journeys to Farawayistan for a while."

Confirmed by 4 people