German | Schnürlesregen (Swabian) Germany

es regnet Bindfäden

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(it's raining strings) • Used to refer to constant pouring rain, so strong that you can't see separate droplets anymore.

"Nimm einen Schirm mit, es regnet heute Bindfäden."

"Take an umbrella with you, it's raining strings today."

Confirmed by 3 people



German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • A very sudden downpour of heavy rain, often in a small area.

''Warte den Platzregen besser im Laden ab.''

''Better wait in the shop until the Platzregen is over.''

Confirmed by 3 people

German Germany

ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

( I think my pig whistles.) • an expression of shock in an satiric/ironic way when something unexpected happens

Er hat mein Auto geklaut! Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift!

He stole my car! I think my pig whistles!

Confirmed by 2 people


German Germany

Hals und Beinbruch

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (neck and leg fracture ) • Used to wish someone good luck, especially if it's relating to something dangerous.

"Ich werde meinem Chef sagen, dass ich aus Versehen meinen Stuhl kaputt gemacht habe." "Oh, na dann Hals und Beinbruch!"

"I'm going to tell my boss that I accidentally broke my chair." "Oh, well break a leg and your neck!"

Confirmed by 3 people



German | Swabian Swabia, Germany

's Läba isch koi Schlotzer

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Swabians

(Life is not a lollipop) • Used as a response when someone complains about a small problem or task. Meaning life is not always easy.

"Ich hab noch soviel zu tun..." "s Läba osch koi Schlotzer"

"I have sooo much to do..." "Life is not a lollipop"

Confirmed by 4 people


German | Plattdeutsch Northern Germany, Germany


Word USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • (field chatter) • It’s a funny and endearing way to say mobile phone. However most people would simply use the German word for mobile phone (handy) instead. “Field chatter” also suggests the farmerly my background, that most people who speak Plattdeutsch have.

"Hast du din Ackerschnacker dabi? Ick mutt mol ken anropen."

"Do you have your mobile phone with you? I need to call someone."

Confirmed by 3 people

German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (damage happiness ) • To be happy by other people’s misfortune.

"Hast du gehört? Herr Müller hat schon wieder verschlafen. *lacht* Jetzt muss er Extraarbeit machen." "Du bist wirklich schadenfroh!"

"Did you hear? Mister Müller overslept again. * laughs* Now he’s got to do extra work." "You’re well gleeful!"

Confirmed by 10 people

German Germany and Austria

Grüß Gott!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(Greet God!) • Saying "Grüß Gott!" is a polite way of greeting people in Southern Germany and Austria. Despite its obviously religious background, this greeting is being used by everyone, regardless of their religious orientation. Furthermore, it can be used at all times of the day.

"Grüß Gott! Ich würde gerne einen Termin für nächste Woche buchen."

"Greet God! I would like to book an appointment for next week."

Confirmed by 3 people


German Germany


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (Damage-happiness ) • A feeling of happines that someone gets when others fail or things go wrong.

"Hast du gehört? Herr Müller hat schon wieder verschlafen." "Du bist ja richtig schadenfroh!"

"Did you head? Mr. Müller overslept again." "You’re really 'damage-happy'!"

Confirmed by 3 people

German | Saarländisch Saarland, Germany


Slang USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(and? ) • Dialect for "und?" (and?) which asks how someone is doing or how someone's day has been etc. Often used as a beginning of a conversation

"Unn?" "Jo, und selbst?" "Jo."

"And?" "Good, and you?" "Good."


German Germany


Word USED On Occasion BY Young People

(adj.) • It means “cool”.

"Das ist echt knorke!"

"That’s really cool!"

Confirmed by 11 people


German Northern Germany, Germany


Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone in Northern Germany

A greeting that can be used at every time of day in Northern Germany - basically the equivalent to "Hi". In Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, it is more common to use "Moin" and not "Moin moin", since the latter is sometimes considered to be too much talk.

"Moin Andreas, alles klar?"

"Moin Andreas, everything alright?"

Confirmed by 11 people

German Germany

eine Naschkatze sein

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(To be a nibbling cat.) • To have a sweet tooth.

"Meine Tochter ist eine echte Naschkatze. Sie isst gerne Kuchen, Kekse, Schoko - alles!"

"My daughter has a really sweet tooth. She likes eating cakes, biscuits, chocolate - everything!"

Confirmed by 11 people

German Rhineland, Germany

du Otto

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY many people

(you Otto) • It is a expression to playfully insult someone, reminding them that they said/did something a little bit dumb. It normally meant not to be taken seriously.

"Das war die falsche Kiste, du Otto."

"That was the wrong box, you Otto."

Confirmed by 2 people

German | Bavarian Bavaria, Germany


Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • This year.

"Heier ist das Wetter recht schlecht."

"This year the weather is pretty bad."

Confirmed by 3 people

German Germany


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(v.) • (disimproving) • To worsen something whilst trying to improve something.

"Ich wollte den Fleck entfernen, aber jetzt ist es schlimmer als zuvor..." "Das hast du richtig schön verschlimmbessert!"

"I wanted to get rid of that stain, but now it’s even worse..." "You’ve disimproved it very nicely!"

Confirmed by 14 people

German Germany

Jetzt haben wir den Salat

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(Now we have the salad ) • It’s used as an expression of frustration when something goes wrong.

"Max, pass auf die Vase auf!" (Max lässt die Vase fallen) "Jetzt haben wir den Salat!"

"Max, mind the vase!" (Max drops the vase) "Now we have the salad!"

Confirmed by 17 people


German Germany

ein Bock auf etwas haben

Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

To be in the mood to do something. Can also be used in negative form - keinen Bock auf etwas haben (to not be in the mood for something).

"Ich habe Bock auf die Party zu gehen."


German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (farsickness) • A strong urge to travel (fern) far from home. Opposite to homesickness/nostalgia (Heimweh).

“Ich habe Fernweh!”

“I have farsickness!”

Confirmed by 20 people



German Sauerland, Germany


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(day!) • Short for “good day”, used to say “hello”.

"Tach! Wie geht's?"

"Day, how are you?"