English Australia

it’s no skin off my nose

Expression USED On Occasion BY Probably Gen X and older

It’s of no consequence to me personally. Usually used in a defensive tone.

“You can eat all the ice cream, no skin off my nose, I don’t even like it.”



English Australia

it’s no skin off my nose

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

Usually used in a defensive tone, it means that someone doesn't care because it's of no consequence to them personally.

“You can eat all the ice cream, no skin off my nose, I don’t even like it”

English the internet

to get the Zucc

Expression USED On Occasion BY people on the internet

To get blocked on Facebook.

"My account got the Zucc for saying men are dumb."

English | Australian English Australia

the duck's guts

Expression USED On Occasion BY Australians in the 1970's

It used to mean that something was difficult or awkward in 1960s, then in 1970s it meant something was awesome.

"That car is the ducks guts!"


Dutch Netherlands

aan het einde van je latijn

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to be at the end of your latin) • To be completely exhausted, done, desperate.

"Ik was volledig aan het eind van mijn Latijn. Lichamelijk en geestelijk was ik op, tot op een punt dat ik de zin van het leven niet meer zag."

"I was completely at the end of my latin. Physically and mentally I was exhausted, to a point where I no longer saw the meaning of life."

English United States

struggle bus

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

Used to indicate a situation is difficult, someone is struggling, not having a good time or not doing well. Usually used in a phrase such as "riding the struggle bus", "driving the struggle bus", or "on the struggle bus".

"Class today was a real struggle bus."


English English speaking countries

robbing the cradle

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

To marry or become romantically involved with a much younger person, especially one from a younger generation or to use a young person for a purpose inappropriate to their age.

“He sure robbed the cradle with his last wife”

Vietnamese Vietnam


Expression USED Frequently BY Young People

"gấu" means a bear. Young people now use it to cutely refer a lover, a crush.

"Tết này bạn có gấu chưa?"

"Do you have a lover for this Tet Holidays?"

Spanish Venezuela

echar los perros

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to give the runaround) • It means to court someone.

"Tu hermano me está echando los perros."

"Your brother is giving me the runaround."

Spanish Venezuela

echarse un camarón

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to have a shrimp) • It's the little dream we sneak in from time to time during work or a little nap.

"Voy a echarme un camarón"

"I'm going to have a shrimp"


Spanish Venezuela

tipo tranquilo

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(calm guy) • It means being relaxed about a situation or relaxing and having a pleasant night.

"Me quedé en la casa, tipo tranquilo."

"I stayed at home, calm guy."

Spanish Venezuela


Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

Exclamation that indicates disgust, displeasure or rejection.

"Mira un gusano, ¡Guacala!"

"Look at a worm, Guacala!"

Spanish Venezuela

calentar la oreja

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(to warm the ear) • It is said when a person seeks to make someone fall in love with them.

"David me está calentando la oreja."

"David is warming my ear."



Spanish Venezuela

palo de agua

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(stick of water) • Used to describe heavy rain. Similar to using "it's raining cats and dogs" in English.

"Esta cayendo un palo de agua"

"It's falling a stick of water"

Spanish Venezuela

cortar las patas

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(to cut the legs) • It's an expression that refers to ending a relationship.

"Te cortaron las patas"

"I want to cut the legs"


Spanish Mexico

jalar mecate

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(rope/string(s) puller) • It means to flatter for personal gain or to attempt to persuade in an insistent or false manner.

"Tu si eres jala mecate"

"Tu si eres jala mecate."


Spanish Venezuela

gozar un puyero

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(enjoy a puyero) • It's an expression that refers to having a great time.

"Estamos gozando un puyero"

"We are enjoying a puyero"

Spanish Venezuela

radio loco

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(crazy radio) • Term used to say that someone talks a lot.

"Habla como un Radio loco"

"He talks like a crazy radio"

Spanish Venezuela


Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(Wow) • It's a common expression which means amazement whether in a positive or negative way.

"Na’guara, Que hermoso"

"Wow, how beautiful"

Spanish Venezuela

mamar gallo

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(to suck cock) • It's a way to make fun of someone

"Me están mandando gallo"

"He's sucking my cock"