
French France

Les anglais ont débarqué

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Older generation

(the English have landed) • To menstruate

Je ne me sens pas bien, les anglais ont débarqué

I am not feeling well, the English have landed

French Belgium


Expression USED Frequently BY young people

A casual greeting. Its origin may come from "fine" in English.

"Fayen mani, quoi de neuf"

"Hey bro, what's up"


German Germany


Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

Something made cheaply and in a generic way, in a way that this thing is not really reliable; stems from the 08/15 machine gun the German army used in Ww1 (users of this expression usually don’t know this)

"That is some 08/15 lighter, it usually gets the job done of lighting my cigarette "

Irish, Gaeilge Ireland

níl aon tóin tinn mar do thóin thinn féin.

Expression USED Frequently BY Many people

(there's no sore arse like your own sore arse) • It means your own problems seem more important to you than anyone else’s. It’s a play on words of the proverb "níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin" (there’s no hearth like your own hearth, or, there's no place like home)

Person A complains of something. Person B agrees and shares a similar complaint. Person A says that’s not the same thing. Person B responds, “Bhfuel, níl aon tóin tinn mar do thóin thinn féin!”


English Australia

woop woop

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

A remote location.

“It’s great that my daughter is so interested in soccer but the games are so spread out I’m a bit sick of driving to woop woop every Saturday morning”

A distant location that was once a town but no longer exists

Catalan Catalonia

s'ha acabat el bròquil

Expression USED Frequently BY everybody

(the broccoli is finished) • Enough is enough.

"Prou! S'ha acabat el bròquil! Tots a combregar!"

"Enough! The broccoli has finished! You all get back in line!"


Spanish Puerto Rico


Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

In general spanish the word ‘fajon’ is connected with architecture. But not in Puerto Rico. For us it means somebody who studies or works a lot. This could’ve been born from the word ‘fajina’ that was according to Tesoro léxicografico that word came from Spain and was used often in the mountains to refer to hard work.

"Ese muchacho es un fajón! Mira, ya se graduó con su bachillerato."

"That boy is a fajón! Look, he already graduated with his high school degree."

French Canada

sirop de poteau

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(telephone pole syrup) • It's a derogatory way of describing commercial syrups which are not true maple syrup.

"Ce restaurant est bien cheap. On sert du sirop de poteau avec leurs crêpes."

"This restaurant is very cheap. They serve telephone pole syrup with their crepes."

Dutch Netherlands

één pot nat

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(one pot wet) • It means it's all the same.

"Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, het is allemaal één pot nat"

"Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, it is all one pot wet."

Dutch Netherlands

de mist in

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

To go wrong.

"Daar ga je toch echt de mist in."

"There you are really going into the mist."

Italian Italy

far venire la pecola

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some people in northen italy

(to give pecola) • It’s words' play. Pecolla doesn’t actually mean anything. You can use it when someone is being really annoying, and if they tell you they don’t know what it means, the answer is: “ la pel del cül che se descola” aka my butt’s skin that’s coming off (due to my annoyance with you).

“Smettila, mi stai facendo venire la pecolla” “La cosa?” “La pecolla, la pel del cül che se descola”

“Stop it, you are giving me pecolla.” “Giving you what?” “Pecolla, my butt’s skin that’s coming off”

Dutch Netherlands

mooi meegenomen

Expression USED Frequently BY everyone

(nice taken with you) • Something that is a nice bonus or extra.

"Ik zoek iemand die me dit weekend kan helpen met klussen. Ervaring is mooi meegenomen."

"I'm looking for someone who can help me with odd jobs this weekend. Experience is a bonus."

Confirmed by 3 people


Italian Italy

rendere pan per focaccia

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to return bread for focaccia) • To give someone a taste of their own medicine i.e. to treat them as badly as they treated you.

"Il vicino tiene la musica alta perché sei stato maleducato con lui? Ben ti sta, ti ha reso pan per focaccia."

"The neighbor is playing music loudly because you were mean to him? Serves you right, he returned you bread for focaccia."


Serbian Serbia

Bogu iza nogu

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(behind God's legs) • Describes something that is extremely far away in a comical way.

"Nikada ne bih putovao za Japan, to je Bogu iza nogu."

"I'd never travel to Japan, it's behind God’s legs."

Confirmed by 3 people

English Australia

not here to fuck spiders

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

An Australian way of saying "we're not here to do nothing".

"Should we start the meeting?" "Well, we’re not here to fuck spiders, are we?"

Confirmed by 13 people



Dutch Netherlands

oost west, thuis best

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(east west, home best) • A way of saying there is no place like home.

"Vakantie is leuk, het is ook wel fijn als het weer voorbij is. Oost west, thuis best."

"Vacation is fun, but it's also nice when it's over. East west, home best."

English Australia

sausage sizzle

Expression USED Very frequently BY most people

A community event where you can buy a grilled sausage served in a slice of white bread, with condiments and fried onions also available. The word sausage sizzle can also refer to the food item being sold. Sausage sizzles are most often associated with voting in Australian elections, where they are available at many polling places and referred to as "democracy sausages."

"Are you going to volunteer for the sausage sizzle next Saturday? Most people prefer tomato sauce on their sausage sizzle, but some have barbecue source or mustard instead."

English Australia

it’s no skin off my nose

Expression USED On Occasion BY Probably Gen X and older

It’s of no consequence to me personally. Usually used in a defensive tone.

“You can eat all the ice cream, no skin off my nose, I don’t even like it.”



English Australia

it’s no skin off my nose

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

Usually used in a defensive tone, it means that someone doesn't care because it's of no consequence to them personally.

“You can eat all the ice cream, no skin off my nose, I don’t even like it”

English the internet

to get the Zucc

Expression USED On Occasion BY people on the internet

To get blocked on Facebook.

"My account got the Zucc for saying men are dumb."