Dutch Belgium and the Netherlands

maak dat de kat wijs

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(make that the cat wise) • This is too unbelievable, I dont't believe you.

"Heb je maar twee uur slaap per nacht nodig? Maak dat de kat wijs!"

"You only need two hours of sleep every night? Make that the cat wise!"

Dutch Netherlands

held op sokken

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • (hero on socks) • Someone who might pretend to be brave, but is actually really scared and not follow through with any brave acts.

"Onze hond is echt een held op sokken - blaffen naar iedereen die voorbij komt, maar zodra iemand zich omdraait verstopt ze zich achter de bank."

"Our dog is a real hero on socks - barking at everyone who passes, but as soon as someone turns around she's hiding behind the sofa."

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(v.) • (to ghost out) • To do something that is formally not allowed. To get up to something.

"Ik vraag me af wat de kinderen uitspoken als wij niet thuis zijn."

"I wonder what the kids ghost out when we are not at home."

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch | Flemish Belgium

van de pot gerukt

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(torn from the jar) • When something is very crazy or unbelievable and completely random.

"Dat verhaal met die baby's is helemaal van de pot gerukt." "Ja, ik kan het nauwelijks geloven!"

"This story about those babies is completely torn from the jar." "Yeah, I can hardly believe it!"

Dutch Netherlands

dweilen met de kraan open

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(mopping with the tap open) • To have no chance of success, because the symptoms are controlled without addressing the cause.

"Geld geven aan de banken omdat ze bijna failliet gaan blijft gewoon dweilen met de kraan open."

"Giving money to the banks because they are about to go bankrupt is just mopping with the tap open."

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch Netherlands

Heb ik iets van je aan?

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(Am I wearing your clothes?) • Said when someone is looking at you strangely.

"Waarom kijk je zo? Heb ik iets van je aan ofzo?"

"Why are you looking at me like that? Am I wearing your clothes or something?"

Confirmed by 4 people

Dutch Netherlands

resten van een losbandig leven

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

(remains of a dissolute life) • When you see trash leftover from a party, like empty bottles, cigarette buds, or anything else that is leftover as the result of a good time.

"Hoe komt de kat op een toren van lege wodka flessen?" "Dat zijn de resten van een losbandig leven."

"How did the cat get to a tower of empty vodka bottles?" "Those are the remains of a dissolute life."


Dutch Netherlands


Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • (far-from-your-bed-show) • Something that is happening far away, outside of your world view or life experiences.

"Toen corona uitbrak in China was het een beetje een ver-van-je-bed-show, maar dat is nu wel anders."

"When Corona broke out in China it was a far-from-your-bed-show, but that's different now."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands

al sla je me dood

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(even if you beat me to death) • Used to say you really have no idea. It is like saying "even if you beat me to death, I wouldn't be able to give you an answer."

"Hoe heet het portret in olieverf op paneel geschilderd door Jan van Eyck in 1436?" "Al sla je me dood."

"What is the name of the portrait in oil on panel painted by Jan van Eyck in 1436?" "Even if you beat me to death."

Confirmed by 3 people

Dutch Netherlands

de smaak te pakken hebben

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to have caught the taste) • To get the hang of something or to be on a roll after maybe struggling at first.

"Het duurde even, maar hij heeft nu eindelijk de smaak te pakken."

"It took a while, but now he has finally caught the taste."

Confirmed by 3 people

French & Dutch Belgium


Word USED Frequently BY Students

(n.) • Typical Belgian word used by Dutch- and French-speakers. It is a student accommodation, often a flat shared with other students.

"Ce soir, je fais une pré à mon kot; tu viendras?"

"Tonight, I'm having a preparty at my dorm; will you come?"

Confirmed by 8 people



Dutch | Flemish Flanders, Belgium

As ons kat een koei was, konnen we ze melken veu de stoof

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(If our cat was a cow, we could milk it in front of the hearth) • Used as a reply when someone says something hypothetical starting with "If". It expresses something like: "it's no use thinking that way, because things aren't that way."

"As we een kaart hadde meegenome zoude we nà zo nie zitte zuken." "Ja, en as ons kat een koei was, konnen we ze melken veu de stoof."

"If we had brought a map, we wouldn't be searching like this." "Yes, and if our cat was a cow, we could milk it in front of the hearth."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands

Ben je in een kerk geboren?

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(Were you born in church?) • An expression frequently used when someone doesn't close the door. This is due to churches having no closed doors because churches should always be accessible to believers.

"Ben je in de kerk geboren? Doe alsjeblieft de deur dicht."

"Were you born in church? Please close the door."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands

een haar schelen

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to differ a hair ) • When something is a very close call.

“Was je nog op tijd?” “Ja, maar het scheelde een haar.”

“Were you on time?” “Yes, but it differed a hair.”

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands

Jan met de korte achternaam

Name USED On Occasion BY Some People

(John with the short last name) • "John with the short last name" is a less explicit way of saying "Jan Lul" (John Dick), and if you do something for him it means you are doing something that is pointless or with no result.

"Ik heb er drie uur staan wachten, maar bleek dat ik er stond voor Jan met de korte achternaam."

"I waited there for three hours, but it turned out that I was there for Jan with the short last name."


Dutch Netherlands


Name USED On Occasion BY Some People

(little Pete Precise) • Used for people who are very precise and detailed in what they do.

"Laat je vader even naar je essay kijken, hij is Pietje Precies."

"Let your father take a look at your essay, he is little Pete Precise."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (to sick out) • To rest long enough until you get better. Used when there isn't a cure or medicine available for a certain condition, or when someone needs a period of rest after a more serious case of illness, or when you aren't extremely sick anymore, but not completely cured either.

"Als je griep hebt, zit er niks anders op dan gewoon thuis uitzieken."

"If you have the flu, there is no other option than to just sick out at home."

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands

(iets) uitvogelen

Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (to bird (something) out) • To figure something out, often in a playful manner.

"Heb je al uitgevogeld hoe die IKEA-stoel in elkaar moet?"

"Have you birded out yet how the IKEA chair fits together?"

Confirmed by 3 people

Dutch Netherlands

Vooruit met de geit!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(Onwards with the goat!) • Used as a call to action, to encourage someone to get on their feet and go!

"De pauze is voorbij, kom op! Vooruit met de geit!"

"Break's over, come on! Onwards with the goat!"

Confirmed by 2 people



Dutch Netherlands

ze niet allemaal op een rijtje hebben

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to not have them all in a row) • To not be in your right mind. The alternative is to not have them all five in a row, meaning the five senses.

"Ik zag laatst onze buurman z'n planten wateren met bier. Volgens mij heeft hij ze niet allemaal op een rijtje."

"I recently saw our neighbor water his plants with beer. I don't think he has them all in a row."

Confirmed by 3 people