
Slovak Slovakia


Word USED Frequently BY Young People

(noun) • Describing the thing that you cannot remember its proper name. Some people say that the people who use "oné", haven't got a huge vocabulary knowledge. "Oné" is basically a placeholder word.

"Podaj mi to oné... pero."

"Give me that thing... the pen"

English United Kingdom

to get one’s head around something

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

To understand or grasp the concept of something

“Honestly, I can’t get my head around it”


Romanian Transylvania, Romania

No bine!

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(No good!) • It is used to express a variety of answers like "yes", "no", "maybe", "I don't know", "no way", "obviously", "I don't care", etc. We can tell what the other person wants to express according to the context. This expression mostly in Transylvania.

"Ești sigur că pe aici ajungem la Bran?" "No bine!"

"Are you sure this is the right road? to Bran" "No good!"

Croatian | Kajkavian northern Croatia, Croatia

čuditi se kao pura dreku

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to be surprised like a turkey by its own shit) • To be surprised by something that shouldn't come off as a surprise.

''A kaj si mislio da će se dogoditi? Kaj se čudiš kao pura dreku sada?''

''What did you expect would happen? Why are you now surprised like a turkey by its own shit?'


English United Kingdom

car crash underwear

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY women

The kind of underwear women are supposed to wear, just in case you end up in a car crash.

"I don't want to show you my underwear, cos obviously I haven't got my car crash underwear on."

Italian Italy

fuori come un balcone

Slang USED Frequently BY Teens

(out like a balcony) • Used to say that someone is out of their mind. It can refer both to something said or done by that person.

"Marco ama solo gli sport estremi, è fuori come un balcone."

"Marco only loves extreme sports, he's out like a balcony."

Confirmed by 4 people

English | Indian English India


Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(n.) • It refers to the "plan" or "events", most commonly used in the context of a night out and/or plans with friends. However, it can be used more freely to just talk about any social situation or circumstances, especially to denote a situation gone wrong.

"bro what's the scene for the party tonight, your place or Jennifer's?"


Arabic Morocco

طلعتلي في راسي

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It's used when someone keeps talking too much, asking too much or when you are being annoyed by someone.

".طلعتلي في راسي"

"You have stood up on my head."

Portuguese Portugal


Slang USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

A slang for saying you're really scared.

"Vá, entra! Então, estás com miúfa?"

"Come on, come in! What's going on, are you with miúfa?"

English Ireland

Married all over

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Country folk

Usually used when talking of a man who got married and got fat or looks old. Also rarely used when talking about a woman who got married and had a child, and suddenly looks fatigued and worn.

-"Arragh, you seen John lately?" -"Aye, he got a wife, and now he's looking married all over."

"Geez, have you seen John lately?" "I have, and he's looking fat and old."

Spanish Madrid, Spain

Pues espera sentado y llévate un bocadillo

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(Sit waiting and pack a sandwich) • It's often used when wanting to say "don't wait around" or "you'll be waiting a while."

"Llamé al director del hotel, pero no respondió." "Pues espera sentado y llévate un bocadillo!"

"I called the hotel manager, but he didn't pick up." "Better sit down and pack a sandwich."


Scots Scotland

Haud yer wheesht!

Interjection USED Frequently BY Parents

(Hold your shush!) • "Be quiet!" Or "Shut up!". Generally used in situations where children or subordinates are talkative to the point of irritation or impracticality.

"Haud yer wheesht, else ah'll skelp ye one!"

"Be quiet or I shall administer corporal punishment."

Swedish Sweden

att kasta in handduken

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(to throw in the towel) • An expression for dying or giving up.

Anna hade levt ett långt och händelserikt liv när hon till slut kastade in handduken.

Anna had lived a long and eventful life when she finally threw in the towel.

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Ecuador


Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People

(tangerine) • A man who does whatever his girlfriend tells him to do because she has the power.

"David no vino a la fiesta porque su novia se enojaba si él venía." "Jaja, mandarina el man!"

"David didn't come to the party cause his girlfriend would've got angry at him if he had." "Haha, such a tangerine!"

Spanish Ecuador


Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People

(you shrimp) • Way to address a person who is a very bad driver.

"Oye camarón, pon luces!"

"Hey you shrimp, turn your lights on!"

Spanish Ecuador

Chulla Vida!

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(cool life!) • It's the equivilent of the English "You Only Live Once You" or YOLO. It's used to convey that you have to enjoy every moment as if it was your last.

"Estás mezclando aguardiente, tequila y ron. Te vas a morir!" "Chulla Vida!"

"You're mixing aguardiente, tequila, and rum. You´re going to die!" "Cool life!"

Croatian Croatia

je l' papa katolik?

Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(is the pope Catholic?) • Used as an answer to a question to which the answer is very obviously yes, and everyone knows it.

"Does it snow in the mountains?" "Is the pope Catholic?!"

"Pada li u planinama snijeg?" "Je l' papa katolik?!"


Serbian Serbia

možeš na hleb da ga namažeš

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(you could spread him on bread) • Someone that is too nice and sometimes even easily manipulated.

''He is so nice, you could spread him on bread.''

''Toliko je dobar, možeš na hleb da ga namažeš.''



Croatian Croatia

Bogu iza nogu

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(behind God's legs) • Really far away.

"Došao bih po njega, ali zaista živi Bogu iza nogu."

"I would pick him up, but he really lives behind God's legs."

Croatian Croatia

nije mi bilo ni u peti

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(it wasn't even in my heel) • I really didn't see this coming; no one could have predicted it.

It wasn't even in my heel that the whole world would be in lockdown.

Nije mi bilo ni u peti da će cijeli svijet biti u lockdown-u.