Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • (thin) • We use "flaco" instead of saying "you" when addressing someone.
"Che flaco, fijate antes de cruzar."
"Hey thin, watch before crossing."
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
Used on informal situations, to refer directly or indirectly to someone else. Mostly street slang. Also sometimes used as an exclamation indicating singularity of the referred person.
"Laura es una buena chabona" "¿Que haces chabón?" "Chabón, ¿que estas haciendo?" "¡Que chabón!"
"Laura is a good fellow" "Hey, how are you?" "Hey, what are you doing?" "What a guy!"
Submitted January 2024 by sanchokan
Spanish Northwestern Argentina, Argentina
Slang USED Very frequently BY Some people
It's used as a synonim for "guy", or "young man".
"Hoy voy a jugar al fútbol con los changos."
"Today I'm going to play football with the guys."
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Frequently BY Some people
(verb) • Used for the verb "to work" in the Lunfardo, which is an argot originated and developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the lower classes in Buenos Aires and from there spread to other cities nearby, such as the surrounding area Greater Buenos Aires, Rosario and Montevideo.
"Mañana tengo que laburar."
"Tomorrow I have to work."
Slang USED Frequently BY Teens, criminals, people who are bothered by police being around
(n.) • (pigs) • Word for the police. Usually used by people who dislike the police in general or dislike the fact that the police is near them.
"Guardá el porro que ahí viene la yuta"
"Put away your blunt, pigs are coming"
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Young People
(my steak drips) • Used to say that you or someone else is menstruating.
"¡Hola! ¿Quieres salir esta noche?" "No puedo, me chorrea el bife"
"Hi! Do you want to go out tonight?" "I can't, my steak drips"
Expression USED Frequently BY Older Generations
(for if the flies) • This expression can be translated as "just in case".
"Está re nublado, llevá un paraguas por si las moscas."
"It's really cloudy, take an umbrella for if the flies."
Expression USED Frequently BY Some People
(chocolate for the news) • Used when someone says something really obvious
"Boludo, el dólar está a 170 pesos" "Chocolate por la noticia, pibe. Hace 2 meses está igual"
"Man, one dollar is worth 170 pesos" "Chocolate for the news, bro. It's been like that for the last 2 months"
Submitted November 2020 by brunoscopel
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(chocolate for the new) • used as an answer when someone says something well-known or obvious.
-"Está lloviendo!" -"Chocolate por la noticia."
-"its raining!" -"Chocolate for the new."
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Spanish | Rioplatense Río de la Plata, Argentina
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • Used to refer to someone stupid, though not always used as an insult.
“Che pelotudo, ¿vamos al kiosco?” “¿Sos un pelotudo? ¡Reparalo ahora!”
“Hey bro, wanna go to the kiosk?” “Are you an idiot? Repair it now!”
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(i'm in my sauce) • When you're comfortable with something and/or doing things you love.
"A mí no me preocupa tener que estar en casa todo el día, estoy en mi salsa."
"I'm not worried about having to spend the whole day at home, I'm in my sauce."
Spanish | Río de La Plata Argentina
Word USED On Occasion BY Mostly opponents of the current Argentinian government
(n.) • Blend of infección + dictadura, used by Argentinians who believe the current government is not using quarantine as a way to prevent the spread of corona virus but as a means to perpetuate their power.
"La Argentina vive una infectadura."
"Argentina is living an Infectadura."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Older Generations
(more stupid than pigeons) • Used to talk about someone who is very stupid. Often said after they do a silly thing, but it can also be used to simply describe them.
"Hoy Tomás me preguntó si los perros ponían huevos... ¡Es más boludo que las palomas!"
"Today Tomás asked me if dogs lay eggs... He's more stupid than pigeons!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(too much bread for that salami) • It's used when a person (usually a boy) isn't thought to deserve their partner. This can be either because of their appearence or behaviour. You can also say this to someone who's just broken up with their partner, meaning something like "don't be sad, they don't deserve you".
"María me dijo que fue a la casa del novio y que en vez de estar con ella, estuvo toda la noche jugando jueguitos. Ella es mucho pan para tanto salame."
"María told me she went to her boyfriend's house and instead of being with her, he spent the whole night playing videogames. She's too much bread for that salami."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults
(I don't have a mango) • This expression can be translated to "I don't have any money".
"¡Vamos al cine!" "No puedo, no tengo un mango."
"Let's go to the cinema!" "I can't, I don't have a mango."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults
(Ass I see, ass I want) • Expression used when someone wants something only because someone else has it.
"¿Estás comiendo helado? Yo también quiero." "Culo veo, culo quiero."
"Are you eating ice cream? I want some." "Ass I see, ass I want."
Spanish | Rioplatenian Argentina
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(It breaks her) • Used for when someone's really good or skilled in something.
''A Sony dale un micro y la rompe en el ring.''
''Give Sony a mic and he breaks her on the ring.''
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(the goalkeeper's day) • Used when something is unlikely to happen.
"Los políticos van a ser honestos el día del arquero."
"Politicians will be honest on the goalkeeper's day."
Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults
(to throw the greyhounds ) • Used when a person is trying to seduce someone.
"Creo que Ramiro me está tirando los galgos."
"I think Ramiro is throwing the greyhounds at me."
Word USED Very frequently BY Young People
(adj.) • (meek, tame) • 1) "Cool", "awesome". 2) It can also be used as an intensifier (i.e. "such a x"), but this last meaning might not always be positive.
1) "Me regalaron un celu nuevo." "¡Manso!" 2) "Los de la empresa de viajes al final eran mansos estafadores."
1) "I was gifted a new phone." "Cool!" 2) "The people from the travel agency turned out to be such scammers."