Expression USED Very frequently BY Students
(study avoiding behavior) • Anything you do when you really should be studying.
“Ik heb tijdens mijn studieontwijkend gedrag Swahili geleerd”
“During my study avoiding behavior I learned Swahili”
Submitted October 2023 by amarensje
Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Students
(adjective) • It is the adjective referring to something that is the least taken care of, mostly in the sense of farmland. "Hospodářství" means several things, amongst which is a "farm".
"To pole je nejneobhospodařovanější ze všech."
"This farm field is the least taken care of."
Submitted June 2021 by wraczlavskigmailcom
Name USED Frequently BY University of Otago students
It's used mostly by uni students to describe a particular type or stereotype of students. Typically a partier who likes to drink, probably vape, etc, doesn't lead a particularly healthy lifestyle and is here more for parties than actual uni. Usually laid back, a little messy, enjoys drinking, sociable, and into the student culture.
"He's a typical breatha. Lives for pint night, sesh's and the boys."
Submitted May 2021 by anonymous
Slang USED On Occasion BY Students
(to shoot) • A verb describing not knowing the answer in a multi-choice assignment but choosing one anyways.
"Nie uczyłem się na sprawdzian, więc strzelałem."
"I didn't study for the exam, so I was shooting."
Name USED On Occasion BY Students
A standard Dutch meal of potatoes (aardappelen), meat (vlees) and vegetables (groenten).
"Wil je wat van mijn pasta?" "Nee gast, ik ga vanavond een AVG'tje doen."
"Do you want some of my pasta?" "No dude, I am going to do a little AVG tonight."
Name USED On Occasion BY students
(n.) • (restaurant the Golden Bows) • McDonalds.
"Gaan we na het afpilsen nog naar restaurant de Gouden Bogen?"
"After the last beer, are we going to the restaurant the Golden Bows?"
Slang USED On Occasion BY Students
(n.) • (wet grilled cheese sandwich) • Slick frat boy who uses a lot of hair gel.
"Zie je die corpsbal met dat haar? Wat een natte tosti!"
"Do you see that frat boy with that haircut? What a wet grilled cheese sandwich!"
Abbreviation USED On Occasion BY Students
(v.) • The act of committing sog, abbreviation of studie-ontwijkend gedrag (study avoiding behaviour).
“Ik verveel me stierlijk in de UB. Dus het is tijd om te soggen, en dan maak ik memes.”
“I'm terribly bored in the university library. So it is time to sog, and then I make memes.”
Submitted November 2020 by ivo
Abbreviation USED On Occasion BY students
(n.) • Short for "quarantaineborrel" (quarantine drinks).
"Heb je plannen voor vanavond?" "Ja, ik heb vanavond quabo."
"Do you have plans for tonight?" "Yes, tonight I have quabo."
Abbreviation USED On Rare Occasion BY Students
(n.) • Short for "locatie" (location) and used to refer to the "share your location" function on WhatsApp.
"Stuur me even je loca."
"Send me your loca."
Abbreviation USED On Occasion BY Students
(n.) • (little vvv) • Stands for "vriend(en) van vroeger" (friend from the past)
"Hoe was het feestje?" "Ja leuk, veel vvv'tjes"
"How was the party?" "Fun, loads of little vvv's"
Expression USED On Occasion BY male students, men, everyone
(interj.) • (get tits now) • Expression of surprise, sort of like the English OMG.
"Vliegende man in een jetpack gezien door piloten in Amerika? Krijg nou tieten; dat kan niet, joh."
"Man flying using a jet pack seen by American pilots? Grow some tits; that's impossible, man!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Students
(n.) • (baptism) • An initiation ritual in Belgian universities in order to join one of the university groups. The students who succeed in the initiation are called "baptisés" (= baptised). The "bleus" (= "blues"; the students doing the initiation) have to take part in various activities for a few weeks. A "baptême" is a bit like fraternities and sororities in the US, but there's no attention payed to gender, no restricted number of members, and the baptised don't live together.
"J'ai l'intention de faire mon baptême quand j'irai à l'université, comme ça je pourrai rencontrer des gens plus facilement."
"I intend to do my baptism when I go to university so that I can meet people more easily."
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(n.) • This word refers to student parties, often in university towns, where beer is highly consumed. There is also music, often old French songs, and student songs. You can also use the verb "guindailler".
"A chaque fois que je vais en guindaille, je deviens mort bourré."
"Whenever I go to guindaille, I get very drunk."
Word USED Frequently BY Students
(n.) • Typical Belgian word used by Dutch- and French-speakers. It is a student accommodation, often a flat shared with other students.
"Ce soir, je fais une pré à mon kot; tu viendras?"
"Tonight, I'm having a preparty at my dorm; will you come?"
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Students
(to pour water) • to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers
"Esej na trzy strony? Trzeba będzie lać wodę."
"A 3-page essay? We will have to pour water."
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(adverb) • (dry ass) • Equivalent to "bottoms-up" or "chug". To drink a glass of alcohol in a single shot.
"Il a bu sa bière cul-sec."
"He chugged his beer."
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(adj.) • Something or someone cool and trendy.
"Hyper stylé le nouvel iPhone!"
"The new iPhone is so cool!"
Expression USED Very frequently BY Students
To get shitfaced.
"On s'est bourré la gueule hier, on s'est tous réveillé avec la gueule de bois."
"We got shitfaced yesterday and woke up with a hangover."
Word USED Very frequently BY Students
(n.) • Slang term for "car".
"Ma vago est tombée en panne hier."
"My car broke down yesterday."