


Spanish Mexico


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • It's a term of affection usually used by an older person. It has 2 meanings: son/daughter or friend/buddy/dude.

"¿Qué estás haciendo mijo?"

"Dude, what are you doing?"

Confirmed by 8 people


Spanish Spain


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • An informal way to say "cerveza" (beer).

"Vamos a tomarnos unas birras."

"Let's go to have some beer."

Confirmed by 8 people

Italian | Dialetto avellinese Irpinia, Italy


Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • (little umbrella) • Colloquial word used to describe someone/someone’s role as completely useless and compare them to a decorative umbrella.

"Che pote fa’ quillo ‘mbrellino?"

"What could that little umbrella guy do?"


Croatian Croatia


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(interj.) • Used when expressing wonder or disbelief.

"Ajme, ne mogu vjerovati!" "Ajme, i što ćeš sada učiniti?"

"Oh my God, I cannot believe it!" "Oh my God, and what are you going to do now?"



Italian | Dialetto avellinese Irpinia, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(noun, adjective) • A noun or an adjective used to underline someone’s stupidity in a friendly and, in some cases, slightly offensive way, e.g. when they embarrass themselves (or even you) in public or when they keep on making the same mistakes.

"Quanto si stordo, ‘o frat."

"Bro, you are so stupid."

Polish Poland


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • ("[the party] 100 days [before]”) • a prom party that it’s organised around 100 days before Matura exam (state examination at the end of high school)

"Marii nie będzie na studniówce, bo złamała sobie nogę."

"Maria won’t come to her prom party, because she broke her leg."

Confirmed by 5 people

German Switzerland


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(n.) • A "bünzli" is a person who follows rules at all times and wants others to follow them, too. It's usually also associated with people of higher socioeconomic status or older people. It has a partial overlap in meaning with the English slang term "Karen" in that a "bünzli" will also talk to a manager (or some kind of higher official) if something isn't done their way.

"Mi nochber isch sone bünzli. Är het gest dr polizei aglüte weil mr am 22:30 ufem balkon musik glost hän."

"My neighbor is such a bünzli. He called the police yesterday because we were listening to music on our balcony at 10:30pm."




Scots Scotland

tae greet

Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(v.) • Meaning 'to cry'

"Shut yer weesht an stop yer greetin ye eejit!"

"Shut up and stop crying, you idiot"

Confirmed by 4 people


Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (n.) Watermelon

"Niciodată nu am mâncat un harbuz atât de gustos!"

"I've never eaten such a tasty watermelon!

Confirmed by 3 people


Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (n.) Cat

"Ce mâță frumoasă!"

"What a beautiful cat!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Romanian | Moldovan Moldova


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • (girlish) • Male person with female physical and behavioral characteristics and who prefers the company of women.

"Nu poți înceta să fii un fătălău?"

"Can't you stop being girlish?"

Confirmed by 3 people


Romanian Moldova


Word USED In the past BY Older Generations

(noun) • (n.) Blue paint used for dyeing white clothes.

"Am nevoie de sineală. Vreau să vopsesc o pereche de pantaloni."

"I need blue paint. I want to dye a pair of trousers."

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY people living in 2020

(n.) • (otherhalfmetersociety) • Name for the society where people try to maintain "anderhalve meter" (1.5 meter) distance from each other in public spaces in order to avoid spreading COVID-19.

"In deze anderhalvemetermaatschappij is het sociale leven toch wel erg verandert."

"In this otherhalfmetersociety social life has changed a lot"

Confirmed by 5 people

English United States


Word USED Very frequently BY Some People

(n.) • Word used for people who refuse to wear a mask during the corona crisis.

"Anti-maskers are not welcome in this establishment."

Confirmed by 17 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Young people

(noun) • (little joke) • Used as something between “just kidding” and “nevermind”, when something you just said wasn’t serious or isn’t relevant anymore.

“Heb jij mijn sleutels? Ik kan ze niet vinden. Oh wacht, grapje, ik heb ze al.”

“Do you have my keys? I can’t find them. Oh wait, little joke, I have them right here.”

Confirmed by 5 people

French France


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(adj.) • Tipsy.

"Faites pas attention, je suis pompette."

"Don't mind me, I'm a little bit tipsy."

Spanish Guatemala


Word USED Frequently BY local Guatemalans

(noun) • Commonly refers to non-indigenous Guatemalans as well as those with both Spanish and indigenous ancestry (interchangeable with “mestizos”). The word was thought to be derived from a mix of Latino and ladrón, the Spanish word for “thief” but it is not popularly used as an offensive term.

“La mayoría de la población en centroamérica es ladina.”

“The majority of the population in Central America is of mixed race.”

Spanish Various countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(noun) • (casserole ) • Comes from the word “cacerola” meaning "pan". It’s a form of peaceful protest in which protestors create noise by banging together pots and pans. The tradition began in medieval times to shame men who’d marry young girls. It was then taken on by French revolutionaries, and now protestors in Latin America.

“El descontento de la gente ha provocado cacerolazos en Argentina.”

“The people’s discontent has led to the banging on pots and pans in Argentina.”


Romanian Moldova


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • (president) • Word mispronounced initially by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon. It is used in countless memes related to Moldovan politics.

"Prișîdintele explică de unde a venit COVID-19."

"The president explains where COVID-19 came from."

Confirmed by 4 people


Russian Russia


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(pronoun) • (I/WE) • Initially used in 2019 to condemn the unfair detention of a correspondent of the newspaper "Meduza", Ivan Golunov. It became a symbol of solidarity and a meme.

"Я/МЫ - это вся страна."

"I/We are the whole country."

Confirmed by 3 people