voor hetere vuren gestaan hebben
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some people
(to have stood in front of hotter fires) • Used when you have been through worse or faced bigger problems in the past.
"Denk je dat je die hele pizza op kunt?" "Ja hoor, ik heb voor hetere vuren gestaan"
"Do you think you can finish the entire pizza?" "Sure, I have stood in front of hotter fires"
Slang USED On Occasion BY Some People
(n.) • (gasoline) • A deviation from "nafta" (gasoline) used by some people, mainly older.
"Cargame nasta, jefe."
"Charge me the gasoline, boss."
Word USED On Occasion BY Some People
(adv.) • Totally, completely, absolutely
"On je konc blbý!"
"He's totally stupid!"
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(it's as long as the week before the payout) • Used when reffering to something that takes too much time, such as movie, journey etc.
"Cesta z Bratislavy do Košíc je dlhá ako týždeň do výplaty!"
"The roadtrip from Bratislava to Košice is as long as the week before the payout!"
Submitted August 2020 by adamburianek
con comme une valise sans poignées
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people
(dumb like a suitcase without handles) • Used to describe someone who is really dumb.
"Je ne peux pas le voir ce type, il est con comme une valise sans poignées."
"I can't stand this guy, he's dumb like a suitcase without handles."
estar como un pulpo en un garaje
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(to be like an octopus in a garage) • To be lost, also in a figurative way.
''Anoche en tu fiesta estuve como un pulpo en un garaje.''
''Last night at your party I was like an octopus in a garage.''
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(being hungry like a wolf) • An expression used to say that you’re starving.
"J’ai une faim de loup, je pourrais manger un lion."
"I am hungry like a wolf, I could eat a lion."
Name USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(n.) • Someone's hand.
''Me duele mi baiza." ''Vamos a rifarnos un tiro, puras baizas.''
''My hand hurts.'' ''Let's start a fight, hands only.''
Submitted August 2020 by fandoaca
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(you can spread them on bread) • Used to describe someone nice, meek and good-tempered. It literally implies that someone is soft as butter.
“Ne aggódj, kedves nő, kenyérre lehet kenni!”
“Don't worry, she is a nice lady, you can spread her on bread!“
French speaking countries
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(to give one's tongue to the cat) • Indicates that you don't have the answer to a question or don't want to try to guess it anymore.
"M. & Mme Gator ont un fils, comment s'appelle-t-il?" "Je donne ma langue au chat!"
"Mr & Mrs Gator have a son, what is his name?" "I give my tongue to the cat."
Slang USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People
Another term for goodbye.
"Auf Wiedersehen!" "Tschö mit ö"
"Goodbye!" "Goodbye"
United States
Expression USED Very frequently BY Some People
Expression to say goodbye. The California way we blend English & Spanish daily.
“See you later.” “Hasta la toodles!”
Submitted August 2020 by solmaam
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(it should be divided by two) • An expression used to warn that someone is exaggerating. It implies that you can get to the actual truth by dividing what they say by two.
"Amit Tamás mondd, azt mindig el kell osztani kettővel."
"Whatever Tamás says should always be divided by two."
Submitted August 2020 by janka
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(when misery dreams) • An ironic expression used when someone wishes for something out of their reach. Comes from a poem by Endre Ady.
"Bárcsak lenne egy Ferrarim." "Álmodik a nyomor."
"I wish I had a Ferrari." "When misery dreams."
Submitted August 2020 by janka
Slang USED Frequently BY Some People
(goodbye fish) • It means “goodbye”, we use it when we leave a place. The addition of the animal is because of the rhyme.
"Chao pescao Jorge, nos vemos mañana."
“Goodbye fish Jorge, see you tomorrow."
Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
(on the day after tomorrow, on small Tuesday) • An ironic saying, it means "never". Similar to the expression "when pigs fly".
"Mikor fejezik már be a felújítást?" "Holnapután, kiskedden".
"When will the renovation be finally done?" "On the day after tomorrow, on small Tuesday."
Submitted August 2020 by janka
Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People
Destined to happen, as if there were no personal control and the future were predetermined by an external force.
“Their blossoming love was written in the stars.“
il y a une couille dans le potage
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(there is a testicle in the soup) • When something is unexplained or not normal. (We’ll never know if the problem is the only one testicle or the fact that’s in the soup).
"Ma voiture ne démarre pas - il y a une couille dans le potage."
"My car won't start - there's a testicle in the soup."
Non hai tutti i venerdì a posto
Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People
(You don't have all your Fridays in place) • To be crazy or a bit odd.
"Ma cosa stai dicendo?! Tu non hai tutti i venerdì a posto."
"What are you saying?! You don't have all your Fridays in place."