French France

tant mieux

Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody

(so much better) • Expression used to express a positive surprised emotion when something unexpected happens (works with positive and negative events).

"Ma femme a décidé de changer de travail. Tant mieux ! Elle se sentira utile et va rayonner." "Mon mec m'a quitté pour une greluche. Tant mieux ! Il commençait à me gonfler de toutes façons."

“My wife has decided to change jobs. So much the better! She will feel useful and will shine.” "My boyfriend left me for a girl. So much the better! He was starting to piss me off anyway."

Turkish Turkey


Expression USED Frequently BY everyone

Confident expression means something along the lines of we'll take care of it. We'll handle it. We'll figure something out. Don't worry. No hurries. Also may contain uncertainty.

"Tamir işi ne olacak?" "Hallederiz."

"What about the repair work?" "We'll handle it."

Turkish Turkey


Name USED Frequently BY Everybody

(heart) • In the Turkish Dictionary, it is defined as two things. Firstly, as love, desire, thought, remembrance and the source of emotions in the heart, or as a metaphor for wish and desire.

"Gönüllerin birbirine kaynaştığı o günler millî bayramlarımızdan biriydi." - Orhan Seyfi Orhon

"Those days when hearts merged with each other were one of our national holidays."

Turkish Turkey

kolay gelsin

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everybody

This is said to person when working on a task or working in general. The sayer wishes that the task at hand comes easily to the doer or completed without any difficulties.

Man walking on the street sees a garbage collector pushing the garbage can towards the garbage truck: "Kolay gelsin hemşerim!"



Romanian Romania and Moldova


Slang USED In the past BY Everyone

(interjection) • Equivalent to the English "hello".

"Sall! Ce mai faci? Demult nu ne-am văzut."

"Hello! How are you? Long time no see."

Confirmed by 2 people


Spanish Paraguay


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(interjection) • An informal way to greet friends, it means “hello” but so much more informal and cute than regular "hola".

“Holis, ¿qué tal?“

Confirmed by 5 people

French Canada


Portmanteau USED Frequently BY people at the office

A contraction of "jeudi" (Thursday) and "vendredi" (Friday) and it's what we call it when you have Friday off work, so that your Thursday becomes your Friday i.e. your last work day for the week.

"Bon jeudredi tout le monde!" "Ah oui, tu as congé demain!"

"Happy Thriday everyone!" "Oh right, you're off tomorrow!"

Turkish Turkey


Word USED Very frequently BY young people

Slang for "penis", sometimes used to refer to an item of bad quality or a surprising find.

"Tavsiye ettiğin yemek yarrak gibiymiş."

"The food you've recommended turned out to be like a dick."


English United Kingdom

chocolate teapot

Expression USED Frequently BY Most people

Something or someone that is a of little practical use. Sometimes "fireguard" is substituted for "teapot".

"Rishi has made a mistake again. I swear he is about as useful as a chocolate teapot."

English United States


Neologism USED Very frequently BY tiktok people

To have "rizz" means to be charismatic or romantically attractive.

"damn, that guy has rizz. every girl wants to be with him"

Swedish Sweden

ingen ko på isen

Expression USED In the past BY Some people

(no cow on the ice) • Meaning there’s nothing to worry about or everything is under control.

“Jag är så sen och måste till jobbet” "Ta det lugnt - ingen ko på isen"

"I'm so late and have to go to work" "Take it easy - no cow on the ice"

Spanish Uruguay


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody

It is generally used to attract someone's attention in a non-cordial way, mainly used in talking.

"Hey, what do you do to get more points?"

"Bo, ¿que hacés para tener más puntos?"

Turkish Turkey

anasını ağlatmak

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(make his mother cry) • To harass a person by tormenting him a lot. Can also mean to devastate a thing.

"Adamları ağır iş altında çalıştırarak resmen anasını ağlattılar."

"They literally made his mother cry by making the men work hard."

English Edinburgh, Scotland


Word USED On Occasion BY People from Edinburgh

1. Low quality, of poor standard. 2. Unfair, harsh.

"Your ma makes a shan breakfast." "The driver wouldn’t let me on the bus with my chips, how shan is that?"

German Germany

Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein

Expression USED On Occasion BY Native speakers, rather older

(my dear Mr. Singing Club) • Used if you want to express that something is rather extreme. It is an outcry to certain situations. It translates word for word to "my dear Mr. Singing Club". I do t know the exact origin, but I always connect it to possibly extreme volumes and shouting or singing of male singing clubs.

"Hast du gesehen, welche Niederlage die Bayern im letzten Spiel erlitten hat?" "Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein, das war aufregend."

“Did you see the defeat Bayern suffered in the last game?” “My dear Mr. Singing Club, that was nasty.”


Spanish | Gaditano Cadiz, Spain


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everybody

There is two ways to explain "Bastinazo", one definition will be the standard one and most commonly used for people out of Cadiz (Andalucia): When you want to define something huge or big. It also applies to situations that occur out of the commonplace. Something unusual. The second way it would be more commonly used as a joke, but it defines very well the context of the Cadiz humor: First you hold the penis with one hand, then with the other hand you hold it as well and the rest of the penis that you can't hold, that is a "bastinazo". *In some areas out of Cadiz, people use it also replacing the letter "z" by "s", keeping the same meaning but writing it as "Bastinaso".

"Mi madre se ha comprado una bicicleta de 4 metros de largo que le ha costado 20.000 euros." "En serio? Que bastinazo!"

"My mother has bought a 4-meter-long bicycle that cost her 20,000 euros." "Really? What a bastinazo!"

Slovenian Slovenia

jebati ježa

Expression USED On Occasion BY some people

(to fuck a hedgehog) • To be doing something unpleasant.

"Vozit greš v 20 cm snega? To boš jebal ježa."

"You're going to drive in 20 cm of snow? You'll be fucking a hedgehog. "

Spanish Mexico

me cayó el 20

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

It is a phrased used to illustrate when you finally understand something. The origin dates back to when all public phones used to charge 20 cents per call, so when the call was conected, you 20c coin would drop, and your call would connect.

"Me acaba de caer el 20 que mi tío John es 10 años mayor que mi tía Jane."

"I just realized that uncle John is 10 years older than aunt Jane."

West Frisian Netherlands

wat binne wy moai fuort, net?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY some people

(we are beautifully away, aren't we?) • A phrase people like to say to each other when they are on an outing or trip, as a way to say express that you are having a good time.

*op it strân* "Wat binne wy moai fuort, net?"

*on the beach* "We are beautifully away, aren't we?"

Serbian Serbia


Word USED Frequently BY Everybody

(in spite) • Usually translated as "in spite", however, it has a positive meaning. It means persisting and succeeding in something against all odds. Like a mother shouting at their child for bad behavior, but secretly being proud of the kid for whatever it is he or she did. It is taking the wrong road, but ploughing forward regardless. It's the ultimate middle finger to seemingly insurmountable odds.


"In spite!"