Hungarian Hungary

dobok egy sárgát

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody

(to throw a yellow one) • It’s a slang expression, used to say that you need to go pee.

"Várj egy pillanatot, megyek dobok egy sárgát. "

"Hang on a second, I’ll throw a yellow one."

Hungarian Hungary


Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody

Literally means “horse dick” in direct object form, most commonly to enthusiastically reject a proposition, or in place of “no”. Also sometimes used as a generic curse word (similar to “fuck”) e.g. “what the horse dick are you doing?”

“Elmegyünk futni?” “Lófaszt!”

“Should we go for a run?” “Horse dick!”

Hungarian Hungary

kihúzni a gyufát

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to pull the matches out (of the box)) • It's used when someone is being cheeky, to the point where it gets too much or too annoying, and the other person is about to snap.

"Ebben jössz este?" "Ne húzd ki a gyufát, mert itthon hagylak!"

"Are you wearing this for tonight?" "Don't pull the match out, or I'll leave you at home!"

Hungarian Hungary


Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(yearloser ) • A child who starts school a year later than usual, at the age of 7 instead of 6, and goes to kindergarten for an extra year.

"A legjobb barátom évvesztes volt, így más osztályokba jártunk."

"My best friend was a yearloser, so we went to different classes."

Hungarian Hungary

most ugrik a majom a vízbe!

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Parents

(now the monkey jumps into the water) • Moment of truth.

"Az előadás kezdődik, izgatott vagyok!" "Igen, most ugrik a majom a vízbe! Mindentől függ, hogy jól fogjuk csinálni."

"The performance is about to start, I'm excited!" "Yes, the monkey is jumping into the water now! It all depends on how well we do."

Hungarian Hungary

a lófasznak is van ám vége!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some people

(even the horse's penis has an end) • Enough is enough! or Enough with the bullshit!

"A főnök már harmadszorra akart bent tartani túlórázni. Nem maradtam. Azért a lófasznak is van ám vége!"

"My boss wanted to make me stay for overtime for the third time. I didn't stay. Even the horse's penis has an end!"

Hungarian Hungary

veszett fejsze nyele

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(shaft of a lost axe) • A lost cause, a hopeless situation, something being futile even from the start.

"Mi a helyzet a vakációddal?" "Áhh, ezekkel a mostani korlátozásokkal veszett fejsze nyele."

"What about your vacation?" "Ahh, with the restrictions being in effect nowadays, it's a shaft of a lost axe"

Hungarian Hungary

nesze semmi, fogd meg jól!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(here's nothing, hold it firmly!) • An ironic saying used in situations where you recieve something (an offer, some information, anything) that is totally useless to you.

A kormány ahelyett, hogy emelte volna a tanárok fizetését, ingyen krétát küldött az iskolákba. Nesze semmi fogd meg jól!

Instead of raising teachers' salaries, the government sent free chalks to schools. Here's nothing, hold it firmly!

Confirmed by 2 people

Hungarian Hungary


Slang USED On Occasion BY Some People

(holy pot) • It is used for people who have specific ranks in the church - popes, cardinals, priests, etc. - but do not live a holy life/infamous for doing several unholy actions. Also used by haters of a religion as an insult.

"Mekkora egy szentfazék ez az új pap! Ki tudja, mi fog róla kiderülni legközelebb!"

"What a holy pot this new priest is! Who knows what will be found out about him next time!"


Hungarian Hungary

más tészta

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(another pasta) • It is used to say that something or a situation is totally different, mostly when you are talking about something, and someone mentions something similar, that you don't think to be relevant or related.

"Soha ne fogadd el, ha megvesztegetnek!" "De akkor te miért tetted a múltkor?" "Az teljesen más tészta! Akkor le voltam égve." "Új élmény lesz egy irodában dolgozni. Volt már könyvtári munkahelyem korábban, de az más tészta."

"Never accept bribery!" "Then why did you do it last time?" "That was totally different! I was broke then." "It'll be a new experience to work in an office. I've had a job in a library before, but that's totally different."

Hungarian Hungary


Slang USED Frequently BY everybody

(to scythe) • To make a lot of money, especially through either fraud or some ingenious idea, markedly not hard work.

"A legsikeresebb online befolyásolók évente több millió dollárt kaszálnak."

"The most successful online influencers scythe millions of dollars a year."

Confirmed by 3 people

Hungarian Hungary


Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(noun) • (chicken catcher) • Meaning naughty, no-good or even criminal, it roughly translates to 'scoundrel'. Probably comes from 'chicken thief', 'csirkefogó' became a popular word to call tricksters and low-life people. Nowadays it's mostly used in a humorous way, albeit quite rarely.

"Ismerted a Lacit?" "Bizony, nagy csirkefogó volt ám."

"Did you know Laci?" "Indeed, he was a big chicken catcher."

Hungarian Hungary

nekem 8

Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(it's an 8 for me.) • It means "I don't care", and used in informal contexts.

"Melyik étterembe menjünk ma este?" "Nem tudom, nekem 8."

"Which restaurant should we go tonight?" "I don't know, it's an 8 for me."

Hungarian Hungary


Acronym USED Very frequently BY Everyone

Commonly used expression for grocery stores in Hungary.

"Van itt a sarkon egy ABC, menjünk, vegyünk egy kis tejet."

"There is an ABC around the corner, let's go and buy some milk."

Hungarian Hungary

nem te fingtad a passzátszelet

Slang USED On Occasion BY Most People

(you didn't fart the trade winds) • It's a slang expression, used when you want to tell someone that they brag too much, or they think too much about themselves.

"Tényleg azt hiszed te jobb vagy nálam? Nem te fingtad a passzátszelet!"

"Do you really believe you are better than me? You didn't fart the trade winds!"

Hungarian Hungary


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(noun) • (miracle bug) • "Csodabogár" or "miracle bug" is used to refer to someone who is very unique and different in a quirky way. Usually a misfit who rejects social norms.

"Nézd már, ki ez a csodabogár?" "A mezítlábas csávó? Ja, ő mindig így mászkál."

"Look, who is this miracle bug?" "The guy who's barefoot? Yeah, he always walks around like this."

Hungarian Hungary


Acronym USED On Occasion BY Some People

'Orbán egy geci' or its acronym 'O1G' has become a political slogan for left-wing people in Hungary. 'O' stands for Orbán, the current Prime Minister, '1' means 'one' or in this case 'is a' and 'G' stands for 'jizz', an insult in Hungarian. It can be translated to 'Orbán is a motherfucker'.

"Annyira elegem van már abból, ami itt folyik ebben az országban!" "Ja, O1G."

"I am so fed up with what's happening in this country!" "Yeah, O1G."

Hungarian Hungary


Slang USED On Occasion BY Young People

(stone rich) • It means super rich, extremely wealthy.

"Az új pasija egy kőgazdag csávó."

"Her new boyfriend is a stone rich guy."


Hungarian Hungary

megjött a Mikulás

Slang USED Very frequently BY anyone

(Santa has arrived) • it is a euphemism for the starting of one's period

"Miért nem jössz úszni? Megjött a Mikulás?"

"Why aren't you coming to swim? Has Santa arrived?"

Hungarian Hungary


Abbreviation USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

It means "I don't know" or more precisely "dunno". It's the short version of "nem tudom" which is the complete way to say it.

"Nemtom, jövő héten mikor érek rá."

"Dunno when I'm free next week."