Expression USED On Occasion BY most people
(short through the curve) • Reductive or oversimplified.
"Dat argument vind ik wel heel erg kort door de bocht."
"I think that argument is very short through the curve."
Submitted August 2024 by amarens
Word USED On Occasion BY Kids and Parents
It's a baby or toddler word, usually used by babies or parents talking to their babies to indicate an injury or pain.
"ماما اجري واوا."
"Mama my leg wawa."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Word USED Frequently BY Adults in Scotland
Dreich is used to describe weather that is overcast, drizzly, grey, misty, just not very nice. Very typical for Scotland.
"Have you seen the weather today? It's dreich, we won't be able to go ahead with that picnic we had planned."
Submitted August 2024 by gtopoppy
geen droog brood [eraan] verdienen
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(to not earn dry bread) • To not be able to make a living or earn any money at all from something.
"Ga je filosofie studeren? Daar kan je nog geen droog brood aan verdienen!"
"Are you going to study philosophy? You can't earn dry bread from that!"
Submitted August 2024 by amarens
Word USED Frequently BY northern Chinese People
When something is very very sweet.
"This candy is too sweet."
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
According to the New York Times, it is defined as a combination of dread, regret, and anticipation that accompanies the end of a communal pause and the beginning of a hectic and demanding time.
"I am really feeling the September Scaries this year."
Submitted August 2024 by amarens
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY people who are afraid of the ocean
The ocean.
“I am never getting in the ocean again, that shit is monster soup.”
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • (thin) • We use "flaco" instead of saying "you" when addressing someone.
"Che flaco, fijate antes de cruzar."
"Hey thin, watch before crossing."
that dollar won’t get you cup of coffee at Starbucks
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY some people
That argument won’t get you very far. That argument alone isn’t enough.
“Sure, he is a great singer, but that dollar won’t get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.”
Submitted August 2024 by anonymous
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone
Do something stupid in public.
"Da mich ich mich ja zum Horst, wenn ich mit der geblümten Badehose ins Schwimmbad gehe."
"I'll make myself into a horst if I go to the swimming pool with my flowery swimming trunks."
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Nigerian Pidgin-English
Slang USED Very frequently BY Male youth
(noun) • Olosho is used as a synonym for harlot or sex worker. It is slang only known to young males about a female that sleeps about.
"Dat chikala nah olosho."
"That babe is a prostitute."
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian, Interslavic
Bosnia And Herzegovina
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
Papak is a person who does not know the manners, who does not know the unwritten rules, who lacks social skills, who might have all the material stuff but lack basic knowledge of gramma, who might have been born in a centre of a big city but not be street smart.
“Ne budi papak, pridruži nam se na zabavi večeras!”
“Don’t be a papak, join us at the party tonight!”
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Name USED Frequently BY Everybody
An acronym and simultaneously the name for a juice where cherry (Kirsch) juice is mixed with banana (Banane) juice. It's Ki from Kirsch and Ba from Banane that form KiBa. It's tasty and looks beautiful! First pour the banana juice, then the cherry to get a beautiful juice pattern.
"Ich trinke gerne KiBa."
"I drink gladly KiBa."
Submitted November 2023 by anonymous
Slang USED On Occasion BY People from Swabia
(Holy shit) • It’s another word for „Maultasche“, a German dumpling, mostly spreaded in South-Germany, especially in Baden-Württemberg.
Hans: „Was isst du?“ Franz: „Herrgottsbscheißerle mit Kartoffla.“
Hans: “What are you eating?” Franz: “Holy shit with potatoes.”
Submitted April 2024 by anonymous
Idiom USED Frequently BY Older people
(to paint the devil on the wal) • When we assume the worst of a situation before anything has even happened. It can be discouraged to say - don't anticipate awful things or they will happen.
“Du solltest nicht immer den Teufel an die Wand malen, nur weil du ein schlechtes Gefühl hast—oft kommt alles doch anders als befürchtet.”
“You shouldn’t always paint the devil on the wall just because you have a bad feeling—often everything turns out differently than feared.”
Submitted February 2024 by anonymous
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
Means something is average, not very special.
"This password is 0815"
Submitted January 2024 by anonymous
Palestine, Arabic speaking countries
Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everybody
(give away out of kindness or excess) • The root of the word in standard Arabic means to give away out of excess and/or kindness, but is commonly used in Arab countries by the giver to convey hospitality. The giver would commonly say it while offering the receiver something- most commonly food. It's as if to mean please accept this out of your (the reciever's) kindness and excess, and not the other way around, or to say you would be kind to accept this humble thing regardless of if it's humble or not.
" اتفضل. اشي بسيط. بعد الحرب بضيفك إشي معتبر."
"Could you give away out of kindness. It's something simple. After the war, I will offer you something better."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Idiom USED On Occasion BY everybody
(despite your father) • It means whether you like it or not.
"غصبًا عن أبوكم، فلسطين تصير حرة بالكامل."
"In spite of your father['s dislike], Palestine will be completely free."
Submitted March 2024 by zahrft
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everybody
An innocent way to admonish someone who's being stupid
"Du bist so ein Haubentaucher!"
You're such a grebe!"
Submitted April 2024 by dheer7