
French France

Ça claque!

Interjection USED On Occasion BY Young people

(interj.) • (It slaps!) • Used to mean that something is cool. Ruder version : "Ça claque sa mère" (it slaps one's mother).

"Tu as vu le nouveau Avengers ? Ça claque !"

"Have you seen the new Avengers movie? It's so cool!"

Confirmed by 12 people

Italian Italy


Name USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(Little mouse) • What Italians call Mickey Mouse.

"Guardiamo Topolino!"

"Let's watch Mickey Mouse!"

Italian Italy


Hashtag USED On Occasion BY Some People

(#everythingwillbeallright) • A hashtag created during the coronavirus crisis to remind people everything will be back to normal soon.

"Molti italiani utilizzano l'hashtag #andràtuttobene per dare speranza agli altri."

"Many Italians use the hashtag #andràtuttobene to give hope to others."

Confirmed by 11 people



Spanish Argentina

holanda ke hacelga?

Slang USED On Occasion BY Friends

(Holland what chard?) • A funny way of greeting your friends. The pun consists of "hola" (hello) turned into Holanda (Holland) and "qué haces" (what are you up to) turned into "ke (h)acelga" (chard).

"¿Holanda ke hacelga?" "¿Naranja y bosque?"

"Holland what Chard?" "Orange and woods?"

Confirmed by 7 people



French | Paris France

avoir le seum

Expression USED On Occasion BY young people

(v.) • (to have the venom) • To be angry, frustrated or enraged. From the Arabic word "سم" (venom).

"Ouf j'ai le seum mec! Saïd m'a pas renvoyé de l'argent!"

"I'm angry man! Saïd hasn't given me the money back!"

Confirmed by 10 people

English United Kingdom

the Mrs

Slang USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • Used by men to refer to their partner. Does not necessarily mean they are married.

"Want to go for a beer tonight?" "I can't, I'm staying in with the Mrs."


Turkish Turkey

falan filan

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(such and such) • It is used for things you don't really care about, so you just slide over.

"Ben böyle güzelim, falan filan"

"I'm beautiful like this, such and such"


Dutch Netherlands

de benen nemen

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to take the legs) • To run off, make a run for it or escape by running.

"Ik wou hem nog een vraag stellen maar hij had al de benen genomen"

"I wanted to ask him another question but he had already taken the legs"

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands

verdiende loon

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(deserved paycheck) • Used when someone gets what they deserve. To suffer from the negative consequences of your own bad behavior.

“Ik hoop dat hij z’n verdiende loon krijgt na alles wat hij gedaan heeft”

“I hope he gets his deserved paycheck after everything he did”


Dutch Netherlands

de les lezen

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(to read the lesson) • To lecture someone.

“Ga je mij nou echt de les lezen over goed gedrag?”

“Are you really going to read me the lesson on good behavior?”

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands

zo gepiept

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(squeaked like that) • Used for something that can be done very quickly, as in, it can be done in a squeak or peep.

“Gaat het lang duren?” “Nee joh, zo gepiept”

“Will it take long?” “No, squeaked like that”


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • (prefeeling) • A feeling something is about to happen. Can be used in both a positive and a negative sense.

“Ik heb hier geen goed voorgevoel over.”

“I don’t have a good prefeeling about this.”


Dutch Netherlands

niet chill

Word USED On Occasion BY People Under 30

(adj.) • (not chill) • Used for something that sucks

"Echt niet chill dat ik nu ook op zaterdagen moet werken"

"Really not chill that I now also have to work on Saturdays"



Italian Italy

il giorno del poi e il mese del mai

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(the day of later and the month of never) • You want your nosy aunt to stop asking you when you're going to get a boyfriend? Answer this and you'll see her wheels spinning trying to figure out you just told her you're going to postpone as much as you can.

"Ma, allora, quando ti fidanzi?" "Il giorno del poi e il mese del mai!"

"So when are you gonna get engaged?" "The day of later and the month of never!"

English United Kingdom

famous last words

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Some People

An ironic comment on an overconfident assertion that may later be proved wrong.

"I'll be perfectly fine going on my own!" "Famous last words!"

Italian Italy

a gonfie vele

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(inflated-sails-ly) • Successfully.

"Grande, il colloquio è andato a gonfie vele!"

"Yay, your interview was a success!"

French France

le lendemain de cuite

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Most People

The day after a night of drinking.

"Un burger bien fat en lendemain de cuite n'est en fait pas une très bonne idée."

"Eating a big fatty burger the night after drinking isn't a very good idea."

Italian Italy and Switzerland


Word USED On Occasion BY Lombards and Swiss people

(n.) • (little female Spaniard) • It means "peanut".

"A Capodanno non possono mai mancare le spagnolette!"

"Peanuts can't ever miss for New Year's!"

English United States


Slang USED On Occasion BY Bartenders

(v.) • Used in the service industry, particularly in bars, to describe an item that has run out, a person to be kicked out or to be refused service, or to lose your job. It can be used more loosely to refer to removing something.

“We just sold our last oyster dish, so 86 oysters for the rest of the night.” "The new guy's been 86'd. He wasn't right for the job."


English Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(adj.) • Used to describe someone who is sulking or in a bad mood.

"I'd leave her alone, she's being mardy today."