Slang USED In the past BY Everyone
(interjection) • Equivalent to the English "hello".
"Sall! Ce mai faci? Demult nu ne-am văzut."
"Hello! How are you? Long time no see."
Dobrogea (especially in Constanța),
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
It means "dude".
"Ce mai faci, şaule?"
"What's up, dude?"
Submitted July 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(on Saturday's water) • It's used when something has gone wrong or has been wasted.
"Ai reusit să faci prăjitura la care lucrai azi? "Nu, aluatul nu s-a umflat suficient si s-a dus pe apa s Sîmbetei."
"Did you manage to make the cookies you were working on today?" "No, the dough didn't rise enough and it went on Saturday's water"
Submitted June 2021 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(I'm not in my waters) • It's used when we say that we aren't feeling like ourselves / feeling unwell.
"hei, te simti bine? Pari a fi abatut." "Nu sunt in apele mele."
"Hey, are you feeling well? You seem sad." "I'm not in my waters."
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(No good!) • It is used to express a variety of answers like "yes", "no", "maybe", "I don't know", "no way", "obviously", "I don't care", etc. We can tell what the other person wants to express according to the context. This expression mostly in Transylvania.
"Ești sigur că pe aici ajungem la Bran?" "No bine!"
"Are you sure this is the right road? to Bran" "No good!"
Submitted January 2021 by anonymous
Word USED In the past BY Older Generations
(adjective) • This word describes someone who wants to struggle to do something.
"Ce se tot coțopenește cu cazmaua aia?"
"Why is he struggling with that shovel?"
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Expression USED Frequently BY Everybody
It is used for a place which is annoyingly far away.
-"De ce îi ia așa mult să se întoarcă?" -"Păi dacă s-a dus la naiba-n praznic"
-"Why is he taking so long to come back?" -"It's because he went to the devil's party"
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
A se potrivi ca nuca în perete
Expression USED Frequently BY Some People
(To fit like a nut in the wall) • This expression is used to refer to something that does not fit at all.
"Do you like my new outfit?" "It fits like a nut in the wall."
"Îți place ținuta mea?" "Se potrivește ca nuca în perete."
Submitted December 2020 by anonymous
Slang USED Frequently BY Everybody
(You're cabbage) • It's generally used to tell someone they suck when they dissapoint you.
"Nu știi să faci tema la mate? Ești varză!"
"You don't know how to do the maths homework? You're cabbage!"
Submitted November 2020 by anonymous
Hashtag USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(#BagChallenge) • A hashtag created by the supporters of the PAS political party to condemn the actions and behavior of the current ex-president of Moldova, Igor Dodon (2016 - 2020), who organized electoral debates on TV without the participation of his opponent.
"Pe rețelele de socializare a început o adevărată luptă a "kulioacelor" prin intermediul hashtag-ului #kuliokchallenge."
"A real fight of "bags" started on social media through the hashtag #BagChallenge."
Submitted November 2020 by xxbeelkj
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(as if someone had been hanged) • This idiom is used to express surprise when the wind is blowing very hard, especially in autumn or spring.
"Off, Dumnezeule! Ce mai suflă vântul, de parcă s-a spânzurat cineva!"
"Off, my God! How the wind blows, as if someone had been hanged!"
Submitted October 2020 by xxbeelkj
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(Like an old lady and a machine-gun) • It means that someone does not fit for the task or that two things have nothing in common.
"Dickerson a fost ca baba și mitraliera, pregătirile au întârziat și expediția nu a fost lansată."
"Dickerson was like an old lady and a machine-gun, the preparations stalled and the expedition was not launched."
Submitted September 2020 by catalin
Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(To leave on the Saturday's water) • to lose something
"Probele s-au dus pe apa sâmbetei."
"The evidence left on the Saturday's water."
Submitted September 2020 by catalin
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to stick his feet in) • To give up, often because the situation did not go as originally planned.
"Jur că, de când maică-ta și-a băgat picioarele, spatele mă doare mai rău."
"I swear that since your mom stuck her feet in, my back has gotten worse."
Submitted September 2020 by catalin
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to have his mustard jump off) • to lose temper
"Ascultându-l pe soțul meu că spune asta, mi-a sărit muștarul."
"Hearing my husband say that, it had my mustard jump off."
Submitted September 2020 by catalin
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to drop his coin) • It means that someone received something good without expecting it.
"Și atunci i-a picat fisa lui Michael."
"And that's when it dawned on Michael."
Submitted September 2020 by catalin
Name USED Frequently BY Middle Aged People
(Mister Apricot) • It's a generic name that's used when you don't remember a man's actual name.
"Chiuveta este înfundată, ar trebui să apelăm instalatorul." "Cunosc un tip, ah... Nea Caisă."
"The sink is clogged, we should call the plumber." "I know a guy, ah... Mister Apricot."
Submitted August 2020 by teodoraramm
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Everyone
Internet slang abbreviation for "ce faci?", meaning "what are you doing?"
"Salut! Cf azi?"
"Hi! What are you doing today?"
Submitted August 2020 by xxbeelkj
Interjection USED Frequently BY Teens
(n.) • (balls) • It is an interjection used when addressing friends in informal conversations.
"Ce faci, coaie?" "Foarte bine, coaie. Tu? "
"What's up, balls?" "All good, balls. What about you?"
Submitted August 2020 by bibiblocksberg