Slang USED Frequently BY young people
Used as "what's up?" in Panamanian Spanish. It comes from switching the order in which syllables of "Que pasó?" (what happened). It is occasionally also written as "xopa".
"Oye fren, que sopa?"
"Hey bro, what's up?"
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • (beauty) • Informal way of saying 'alright!'. Can be used as a greeting with the same meaning as 'What's up?'
"Amanhã vamos te buscar às 15:00" "Beleza!" "Beleza?" "Tudo certo, e contigo?"
"Tomorrow we're picking you up at 3pm" "Alright!" "What's up?" "Not much, and you?"
Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Young people
(What are the leases?) • A way of saying 'what's up?'. Deriving from "bails" (leases) meaning "business". You are asking about the business your friend has done.
"Salut poto" "Wesh gros" "C'est quoi les bails" "Pas grand chose, on est là, toi-même tu sais"
"Hey bro" "Yo homie" "What's up?" "Not much, we represent, you know"
Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(Are you alright?) • A common and informal way to greet someone.
"Oright mate, how's it going?" "Yeah, not too bad, thanks."
| Kajkavian
Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(What is there?) • An informal way to greet friends.
"Di si care, kaj ima?"
"Hey man, what's up?"
Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(How are we (doing)?) • This is what you say when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a while and you want to know what’s new and how they're doing.
"We Carmelo, comu semu?"
"Hey Carmelo, what’s up?"
Expression USED Frequently BY Most People
(What is said?) • A near-equivalent in English would be "what's up?", referring to people's perception of the general current situation. The question is usually referred to one or more people in particular, so it always has its specificity.
"Ehilà! Che si dice?"
"Hey there! What is said?”
Northern England,
United Kingdom
Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Some People
Greeting often used between walkers as they pass each other on a hike. It doesn't really mean anything but it an expression of friendliness that does not require an actual answer.
"How do?" "How do?"
Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Anyone
(What's there not there) • A way of saying 'what's up?', typically used with friends and family or acquaintances.
"شو في ما في؟" "والله وا في شي"
"What's up?" "Nothing much"
Submitted July 2020 by helissatabet