
Dutch Netherlands

wie mooi wil gaan moet pijn lijden

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(who wants to be beautiful must suffer pain) • To be beautiful one must make sacrifices. Frequently said by grandmothers while aggressively brushing your hair.

"Deze hakken doen echt pijn." "Tsja, wie mooi wil gaan moet pijn lijden."

"These heels really hurt." "Oh well, who wants to be beautiful must suffer pain"

Confirmed by 2 people


Polish Poland


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • (satan) • A very strong black coffee.

"Chcesz kawę?" "Tak, zrób mi szatana."

"Do you want some coffee?" "Yes, make me a satan."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands

voor hetzelfde geld

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(for the same money) • When a different outcome would have been just as likely.

"We hadden er gelukkig lekker weer bij, maar voor hetzelfde geld had het geregend op onze trouwdag."

"Luckily we had good weather, but for the same money it would have rained on our wedding day."

Confirmed by 2 people

Malay Malaysia


Hashtag USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(#donespreading (the message)) • Used when someone makes a sarcastic response to a situation, especially if it involves good/bad actions. Originated from Arabic da'wah, meaning to invite/to call upon - specifically, to preach about the Islamic faith.

"Bersangka baiklah. Mungkin diorang menunjuk-nunjuk sedekah sebab diorang nak membuktikan yang diorang baik. #donedakwah"

"Assume the best. Maybe they show off their donation because they want to prove that they're nice #donedakwah"

English English speaking countries


Word USED Frequently BY Gen Z'ers

(noun) • Can be used as a noun or a verb to describe an obsessive love of a celebrity. Used frequently on Twitter. Originates from Eminem's song 'Stan', which tells the story of one of his obsessive fans.

"She really stans BTS." "She's a big Taylor Swift stan."

Confirmed by 7 people

Malay Various countries

main kayu tiga

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(playing three sticks) • This expression is used to refer to someone who has an affair outside of their marriage.

"Kamu tak dengar berita ke? Syed tu tengah main kayu tiga dengan bosnya!"

"Haven't you heard the news? Syed is playing three sticks with his boss!"

English United Kingdom

hatchings, matchings and despatchings

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

Births, weddings, and deaths.

"I only go to church for hatchings, matchings, and despatchings."

Confirmed by 2 people

German German speaking countries

Emoji USED On Occasion BY Some People

When you wish someone good luck in German you would say "Ich drücke dir die Daumen", which literally means "I'll press my thumbs for you". Because of that, 🤞 ("I'll keep my fingers crossed") isn't used to wish good luck (in German 🤞 means that you are lying). We rather use ✊ which stands for the thumbs pressed.

"Viel Glück bei der Prüfung! Ich drücke dir die Daumen ✊!"

"Good luck for the exam! I'll press my thumbs for you ✊!"


Arabic | Lebanese Lebanon


Name USED Very frequently BY Most People

(n.) • It is very often used to replace the term coffee.

"تعا اشرب شفة معنا"

"Come have a shaffé with us."



Russian Russia

наставить рога

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(v.) • (to put horns on [somebody]) • To cheat on someone. Depictions of a stag-horned cheated-on man are often in jokes and caricatures relating to cheating.

"Он убил свою жену за то, что она наставила ему рога."

"He has killed his wife because she put horns on him."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands

alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Dutchies

(like an angel is peeing on your tongue) • Used to describe how delicious your food is.

"De stroopwafel smaakt alsof er een engeltje over je tong piest"

"The Stroopwafel tastes as if an angel is peeing on your tongue."

Confirmed by 3 people


Danish Denmark

at være helt Palle

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(to be completely Palle) • Being on your own, or alone. From the 1942 book ‘Palle alene verden’ by Jens Sigsgaard. A young boy, Palle, wakes up to find himself all alone in the world. At first, it’s fun, but later it gets lonely, but thankfully he wakes up from what was only a dream.

“Jeg var helt Palle”

"I was completely Palle."

German Germany


Slang USED On Rare Occasion BY Young People

(n.) • It’s an abbreviation for “Mensch Ohne Freunde” (Person without friends) and is usually used as a joke among friends when you’re in a situation all by yourself.

“Ich war die einzige, die da war. Ich habe mich wie ein Mof gefühlt.”

"I’m the only one who was there. I felt like a Mof."

Confirmed by 2 people

Turkish Turkey

sarı çizmeli Mehmet ağa

Reference USED Frequently BY Usually by older people (age 25+)

(the ağa Mehmet with the yellow boots) • Used for someone who is unknown where he/she lives or where he/she is from. Mehmet is a Turkish name and ağa is an old title that can be translated to landlord/landholder or someone who owns land and/or money.

"İsim yok, bu ne? Sarı çizmeli Mehmet ağa."

"He doesn't have a name, what is this/ what in the world? Is he The ağa Mehmet with the yellow boots?"

Dutch Netherlands


Abbreviation USED On Occasion BY students

(n.) • Short for "quarantaineborrel" (quarantine drinks).

"Heb je plannen voor vanavond?" "Ja, ik heb vanavond quabo."

"Do you have plans for tonight?" "Yes, tonight I have quabo."

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands


Abbreviation USED On Rare Occasion BY Students

(n.) • Short for "locatie" (location) and used to refer to the "share your location" function on WhatsApp.

"Stuur me even je loca."

"Send me your loca."

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands


Abbreviation USED On Occasion BY Students

(n.) • (little vvv) • Stands for "vriend(en) van vroeger" (friend from the past)

"Hoe was het feestje?" "Ja leuk, veel vvv'tjes"

"How was the party?" "Fun, loads of little vvv's"

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands

als donderslag bij heldere hemel

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(like thunderstrike with clear sky) • Something completely unexpected.

"Het nieuws kwam als donderslag bij heldere hemel."

"The news came like thunderstrike with clear sky."

Confirmed by 2 people

Polish Poland


Reference USED Frequently BY People Over 20

(n.) • (a foilman) • A conspiracy theorist who believes that 5G is designed to possess our minds, that chips are injected into our bodies by the means of vaccines, who won’t wear a mask because “pandemic is a hoax” etc. The term stems from the people who decided to wear caps made of aluminum foil, believing they resist electromagnetic radiation that possesses human minds (5G)

"Nie zaszczepi się na Covid ani nie nosi maseczki, on uważa, że ten wirus to ściema." "Nie wiedziałem, że jest foliarzem."

"He won't vaccinate against Covid and he doesn't wear a face mask, he thinks this virus is a hoax." "I didn't know he is a foilman."

Confirmed by 2 people


Galician Galicia, Spain


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • (little rich) • It is commonly translated as cute, but it can also mean anything from nice to adorable.

“Hoxe vou quedar co meu amigo Xácome. Coñecelo?" "Xácome? Si oh, é moi riquiño!”

"I’m meeting my friend Xácome today, do you know him?" "Xácome? Yes, he’s so little rich!"