Slang USED In the past BY Everyone
(interjection) • Equivalent to the English "hello".
"Sall! Ce mai faci? Demult nu ne-am văzut."
"Hello! How are you? Long time no see."
Hashtag USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(#BagChallenge) • A hashtag created by the supporters of the PAS political party to condemn the actions and behavior of the current ex-president of Moldova, Igor Dodon (2016 - 2020), who organized electoral debates on TV without the participation of his opponent.
"Pe rețelele de socializare a început o adevărată luptă a "kulioacelor" prin intermediul hashtag-ului #kuliokchallenge."
"A real fight of "bags" started on social media through the hashtag #BagChallenge."
Submitted November 2020 by xxbeelkj
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Teens
(in any case) • Internet slang abbreviation for "по-любому", meaning "in any case".
"Eu plbm nu înțeleg ce se întâmplă."
"In any case, I don't understand what's going on."
Submitted October 2020 by xxbeelkj
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(as if someone had been hanged) • This idiom is used to express surprise when the wind is blowing very hard, especially in autumn or spring.
"Off, Dumnezeule! Ce mai suflă vântul, de parcă s-a spânzurat cineva!"
"Off, my God! How the wind blows, as if someone had been hanged!"
Submitted October 2020 by xxbeelkj
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to stick his feet in) • To give up, often because the situation did not go as originally planned.
"Jur că, de când maică-ta și-a băgat picioarele, spatele mă doare mai rău."
"I swear that since your mom stuck her feet in, my back has gotten worse."
Submitted September 2020 by catalin
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Everyone
Internet slang abbreviation for "ce faci?", meaning "what are you doing?"
"Salut! Cf azi?"
"Hi! What are you doing today?"
Submitted August 2020 by xxbeelkj
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(at the horse's Easter) • It means "never".
"Când îmi dai banii înapoi?" "La paștele cailor!"
"When will you give me my money back?" "At the horse's Easter!"
Submitted August 2020 by miruna
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(at the devil's mother) • It is used for something that is very far away.
"Vrei să mergem la cinema?" "Nu. E la mama dracului."
"Do you want to go to the cinema?" "No. It's at the devil's mother."
Submitted August 2020 by miruna
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(noun) • (n.) Watermelon
"Niciodată nu am mâncat un harbuz atât de gustos!"
"I've never eaten such a tasty watermelon!
Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(noun) • (girlish) • Male person with female physical and behavioral characteristics and who prefers the company of women.
"Nu poți înceta să fii un fătălău?"
"Can't you stop being girlish?"
Word USED In the past BY Older Generations
(noun) • (n.) Blue paint used for dyeing white clothes.
"Am nevoie de sineală. Vreau să vopsesc o pereche de pantaloni."
"I need blue paint. I want to dye a pair of trousers."
Word USED Frequently BY Everyone
(noun) • (president) • Word mispronounced initially by the President of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Dodon. It is used in countless memes related to Moldovan politics.
"Prișîdintele explică de unde a venit COVID-19."
"The president explains where COVID-19 came from."
Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone
(#It'sCoolToBeEco) • A hashtag created by the famous Moldovan journalist Lilu Ojovan to raise awareness of the ecological problem and the advantages of eco life.
"Schimbarea se va produce atunci când toți vor înțelege că #ecoolsăfiieco."
"The change will come when everyone understands that #It'sCoolToBeEco."
Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone
(#StopDrinkingWhileDriving) • A hashtag used to raise awareness about the problem of alcohol in the Republic of Moldova, namely accidents caused by drunk drivers.
"Fii șofer responsabil, #stopalcoollavolan!"
"Be a responsible driver, #StopDrinkingWhileDriving!"
Hashtag USED Frequently BY Everyone
(#IBuyFlowersFromOldPeople) • A hashtag created by the famous Moldovan journalist Lilu Ojovan to encourage the purchase of flowers from old people who sell them on the street.
"Eu #cumpărfloridelabătrâni. Și tu?"
"#IBuyFlowersFromOldPeople. What about you?"
(adverb) • (because) • Became very popular in common speech after president Igor Dodon used it as an answer to a provocative question addressed by journalists.
"De ce nu purtați mască? De-atâta!"
"Why don't you wear a mask? Because!"
Submitted June 2020 by xxbeelkj
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(to shoot a chicken of sleep) • to take a nap
"Mai bine să nu tragi un pui de somn la muncă!"
"Better not shoot a chicken of sleep at work!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(clear as day) • Crystal clear.
"E clar ca bună ziua că trebuie să-ți faci lecțiile."
"It's clear as day that you have to do your homework."