Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
It is usually used as an insult to someone who is performing better than you. A close translation in English would be, "then you do it, if you're so good at it", or "good for you!" but said with a sarcastic tone. It is a phrase frequently associated with smart shaming but can also be used as a form of banter for close friends.
"Natapos ko na assignment ko!" "Eh di ikaw na!"
"I finished my homework already!" "Well, good for you!"
Submitted August 2020 by adtonangadto
Buenos Aires,
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(hi beautiful) • It's a way of saying hello to a close friend.
"Hola bella! Hacemos videollamada hoy un ratito?"
"Hi beautiful! Wanna make a videocall today for a while?"
Emoji USED Frequently BY Young People
Used by young people to convey annoyance or anger.
"When your headphones break mid journey 🙃🙃🙃"
Word USED Very frequently BY Most People
(v.) • (we left) • Usually said at the end of a conversation as a call to action.
"Πάμε παραλία?" "Φύγαμε"
"Wanna go to the beach?" "We left!"
Submitted August 2020 by nefeli
Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People
(Do an ass farther) • This expression is said from a person who is standing to a person who is sitting, asking for some space to sit.
" Έχεις απλωθεί στον καναπέ, κάνε έναν κώλο πιο πέρα να κάτσω."
"You're spread all over the couch, do an ass farther for me to sit."
Submitted August 2020 by nefeli
Slang USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(n.) • A common way to call a friend used in São Paulo, Brazil.
"E aí mano."
"What's up, bro"
Slang USED Frequently BY Young People
Way to call a friend, abbreviation of "parceiro" which means "buddy".
"E aí parça."
"What's up bud."
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(It rains chair legs) • This expression is used when it rains heavily.
"Δεν μπορούμε να βγούμε έξω σήμερα. Βρέχει καρεκλοπόδαρα."
"We can't go out today. It's raining chair legs."
Submitted August 2020 by nefeli
Expression USED On Occasion BY Gen Y'ers
(n.) • Used mostly by Gen X and Gen Y to refer to a friend.
"Vamos a tener una reunión, hace tiempo no veo a mis aleros"
"We're having a reunion, haven't seen my aleros in a while"
Interjection USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(interj.) • (into the ass!) • Equivalent to English "shit!" or "fuck!" used when something went wrong. Can be used with verb "jít", forming a phrase "jdi do prdele!" meaning "go into the ass!", that is equivalent to English "go fuck yourself!".
"Do prdele, ujel mi autobus!"
"Into the ass, I missed the bus!"
| Hessian
Abbreviation USED Very frequently BY Used in Hessia and parts
A way of saying Guten Tag.
"Gude, wie geht’s?"
"Hi, how are you?"