Spanish Spanish speaking countries


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • (little doves) • It's the word for 'popcorn'.

"Siempre que van al cine, se guardan una bolsa de palomitas en la mochila antes de entrar a la sala."

"Every time they go to the movies, they keep a bag of little doves in their backpack before entering the theater."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • An informal word for a conflict or trouble between two parties.

"Ze hadden weer eens bonje over niets."

"They had bonje over nothing"

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Argentina


Word USED Very frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • In Argentina we use this word to express something is cool or someone did something cool.

"Hola chabón, ¿todo piola?" "Sí, ¿y vos?"

"Hey dude, everything cool?" "Yeah and you?

Confirmed by 11 people


French France


Word USED Very frequently BY Students

(adverb) • (dry ass) • Equivalent to "bottoms-up" or "chug". To drink a glass of alcohol in a single shot.

"Il a bu sa bière cul-sec."

"He chugged his beer."

Confirmed by 12 people


Swedish Sweden


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • Not too little, not too much, but just the right amount.

"När är det lagom att ta någon på en dejt?"

"When is it the right time to ask someone out on a date?"

Confirmed by 8 people



French France


Word USED Very frequently BY Students

(adj.) • Something or someone cool and trendy.

"Hyper stylé le nouvel iPhone!"

"The new iPhone is so cool!"

Confirmed by 11 people




Sicilian Sicily, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (beautiful) • It literally means beautiful, so don't be surprised if Sicilian grannies call you that.

“Ciao, bedda!”

“Hello, beautiful”

Confirmed by 8 people


Spanish Argentina


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(n.) • It's originally an insult meaning dumb or idiot, but it's also frequently used with friends.

"Che boludo, ¿cómo andás?"

"Hey boludo, how are you going?"


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Some People

(verb) • To perform an undefined task in order to inspire the impression that this very task is of utmost importance, even though it is totally insignificant.

"We moeten dit document nog epibreren."

"We still have to epibrate this document."

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(noun) • (skinhunger) • The unfulfilled desire of another person's touch (non-romantic).

“Sinds het begin van de lockdown heeft zij last van huidhonger.”

“From the beginning of the lockdown she has been suffering from skin hunger.”

Confirmed by 2 people


English English speaking countries


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY People Opposing Protests

(n.) • Going out of your way to buy from a certain brand that has been boycotted.

“I’ve been buying a lot of t-shirts as part of a buy-cott to save a local business from going under”

Confirmed by 8 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(v.) • (to butter) • If it butters between two people it means they get along. Can be used in negative form (e.g. “it doesn’t butter between x and y”) when people don’t get along.

“Het botert de laatste tijd goed tussen de twee zussen”

“It butters good lately between the two sisters”

Confirmed by 2 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • (prefeeling) • A feeling something is about to happen. Can be used in both a positive and a negative sense.

“Ik heb hier geen goed voorgevoel over.”

“I don’t have a good prefeeling about this.”


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (to beat) • To be right or be correct

"Klopt dit?" "Nee, volgens mij klopt dat niet"

"Does this beat?" "No, I think it doesn't beat"

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Frequently BY People Under 30

(adj.) • (chill) • Used as an interjection for something that's "nice" or "great", or in a sentence for things you like. Frequently used in combination with the word "echt" (really) and can also be combined with "niet" (not) for something that sucks.

"M'n baas heeft me morgen vrij gegeven" "Chill!"

"My boss gave me the day off tomorrow" "Nice"

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands

niet chill

Word USED On Occasion BY People Under 30

(adj.) • (not chill) • Used for something that sucks

"Echt niet chill dat ik nu ook op zaterdagen moet werken"

"Really not chill that I now also have to work on Saturdays"

French France

un troquet

Word USED Frequently BY Everyone

(noun) • A local cafe or bar. Often a relaxed and informal place.

"Je pris un café au troquet."

"I had a coffee at the local cafe."

Italian Italy and Switzerland


Word USED On Occasion BY Lombards and Swiss people

(n.) • (little female Spaniard) • It means "peanut".

"A Capodanno non possono mai mancare le spagnolette!"

"Peanuts can't ever miss for New Year's!"


English Yorkshire, United Kingdom


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(adj.) • Used to describe someone who is sulking or in a bad mood.

"I'd leave her alone, she's being mardy today."

English Manchester, United Kingdom


Word USED On Occasion BY Some People

(n.) • Used to describe an alley or passageway between houses.

"I walked my dog through the ginnel to get to the park."