English United Kingdom

spend a penny

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

Euphemism meaning "to go to the bathroom", originating from a time when public toilets charged one penny. It is used mostly by women, as men's urinals were free to use.

"I'll be back in a minute, just going to spend a penny."

Scots Scotland

lang may yer lum reek

Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(long may your chimney smoke) • A Scots proverb wishing someone a long and healthy life, "Live long and prosper".

"See ya laters pal, lang may yer lum reek"

"Farewell, live long and prosper"

Confirmed by 3 people


English | Southern US Southern US, United States

fixin' to

Slang USED Very frequently BY Older Generations

Fixin' to (Fixing to) means 'about to' or 'going to' in the near future.

"Have you taken out the trash yet?" "I'm fixin' to."

Confirmed by 6 people

French France

raconter des salades

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(to tell salads) • To tell lies.

"On ne sait jamais le vrai du faux, il raconte toujours des salades."

"You never know what right and what’s wrong, he’s always telling salads."

Confirmed by 6 people


Spanish Argentina

el quetejedi

Expression USED Very frequently BY Older Generations

Used to refer to a person withouth mentioning their name, similar to "you-know-who" in English. It comes from "el/la que te dije" (the one I told you about) but changing the order of the letters in "dije".

"Anoche Juana llegó a casa a las 3 de la mañana, la quetejedi no va a estar muy contenta."

"Last night Juana came home at 3 in the morning, the quetejedi is not going to be very happy."

Confirmed by 5 people



English | Brummie West Midlands, United Kingdom


Expression USED Frequently BY Working class and older generations

A way of saying ‘goodbye’ or ‘see you later’ used colloquially by people in the West Midlands, particularly common in Brummie and Black Country dialects.

"Tara-a-bit, bab!"


Portuguese Brazil

está chovendo canivete

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(it's raining penknives) • It is an expression to say that it is raining a lot.

"Hoje tá chovendo canivete!"

"Today it's raining penknives!"

Confirmed by 4 people


French France

poser un lapin

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(to put down a rabbit) • To stand somebody up.

"Mon crush n’est jamais venu au rendez-vous que je lui avais donné, il m’a trop posé un lapin!"

"My crush never came to the appointment I gave him, he put me down such a rabbit!"

Confirmed by 9 people

Spanish Argentina

Como para hacer dulce

Expression USED Frequently BY Older Generations

(Like for making jam) • Used when there is a lot or too much of something. It comes from when people had fruit trees or gardens and they had so much fruit that they had to make jam so it wouldn't go to waste.

"Fui al banco a la mañana temprano, había gente como para hacer dulce."

"I went to the bank early in the morning, there were people like for making jam."

Confirmed by 4 people

Spanish Argentina

¡Chupate esa mandarina!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Older Generations

(Suck on that tangerine!) • Expression of triumph or surprise, used when a person accomplishes something that looked difficult.

''Gabi armó el ropero ella sola, ¡chupate esa mandarina!''

''Gabi assembled the wardrobe all by herself, suck on that tangerine!''

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Argentina

Caen soretes de punta

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(Turds are falling on our heads) • Used to say that it is raining very heavily or it is pouring.

"Se largó a llover mal. Están cayendo soretes de punta."

"It started raining very heavily. Turds are falling on our heads."

Confirmed by 4 people


Italian | Venetian Veneto, Italy

man de puina

Expression USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(cottage-cheese hand) • Exclamation used to slightly insult someone who has dropped something or usually drops things.

"Ti è caduto di nuovo il cellulare? Hai proprio le man de puina!"

"You dropped your phone again? Your hand are like cottage cheese!"


Dutch | Aalst Belgium

het leven is een soep

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(life is a soup) • Life is not easy.

"Het leven is een soep, al die miserie toch."

"Life is a soup, all these troubles."

Confirmed by 4 people

French France

La vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille

Expression USED On Very Rare Occasion BY Older Generations

(Life is not a long calm river) • To explain that life is not always easy.

"Tu sais, la vie n’est pas un long fleuve tranquille."

"You know, life isn't a long calm river."

Confirmed by 9 people