Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(to rub the mint) • It means to waste time, to do something useless, to be lazy.
"Nu mai freca menta și fă-ți temele!"
"Stop rubbing the mint and do your homework!"
French French speaking countries
Slang USED Frequently BY Mostly everyone
(to fart higher than your ass) • Used to refer to someone getting above themself, acting like they’re smarter than they are.
"Je suis contente qu’il ait reçu sa promotion, mais ce n’est pas une raison pour péter plus haut que son cul pendant les réunions."
"I’m happy that he got his promotion, but it’s not a reason for him to fart higher than his ass during meetings."
Submitted August 2020 by mmepee
Slang USED Very frequently BY Children, Teens
(stove with four eyes) • It is a mild insult to people who wear glasses, frequently used among classmates.
"Alex a început să poarte ochelari. E un aragaz cu patru ochi."
"Alex started to wear glasses. He is a stove with four eyes."
Slang USED Frequently BY Teens
(n.) • A feeling of uneasiness and sadness, mostly used when explaining a mood or a situation.
"Bed me je to pitati."
"I'm uncomfortable asking it."
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(interj.) • Used when expressing wonder or disbelief.
"Ajme, ne mogu vjerovati!" "Ajme, i što ćeš sada učiniti?"
"Oh my God, I cannot believe it!" "Oh my God, and what are you going to do now?"
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(to drink up one's judgement) • To act illogically, in an unexpected or incomprehensible way. To be out of one's mind.
"No tens diners i et vols comprar un cotxe de 30.000€; t'has begut l'enteniment?"
"You don't have money and you want to buy a 30.000€ car, have you drunk up your judgement?"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(for if the flies) • It means that you're doing something not because it's necessary, but "just in case".
"Me he comprado un boli más, por si las moscas."
"I bought an extra pen, for if the flies."
Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(Now we have the salad ) • It’s used as an expression of frustration when something goes wrong.
"Max, pass auf die Vase auf!" (Max lässt die Vase fallen) "Jetzt haben wir den Salat!"
"Max, mind the vase!" (Max drops the vase) "Now we have the salad!"
German German speaking countries
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(to press someone's thumb) • Used to wish good luck to someone, similar to "fingers crossed".
"Ich drücke dir die Daumen!"
''I'm going to press you the thumbs!''
Expression USED Frequently BY Teens
To be in the mood to do something. Can also be used in negative form - keinen Bock auf etwas haben (to not be in the mood for something).
"Ich habe Bock auf die Party zu gehen."
Submitted August 2020 by stephanedds
Slang USED Frequently BY Young people
(we go about) • It means you agree to do something. It is used for very informal situations (slang) and often with people who are close to you.
"¿Vamos a comprar las cervezas entre todos?" "Sí, vamos sobre."
"Are we all putting money to buy the beers?" "Yes, we go about."
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People
(no fear of danger) • Used to say that you’re unlikely to do something.
"Doedd dim ffiars o beryg i mi fynd yn ôl."
"There was no fear of danger to me of going back"
Submitted August 2020 by yourwelshguy
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Teens
(n.) • Word used to denote a thousand Colombian pesos.
“¿Amigo, tienes 10 lucas que me prestes?”
“Friend, do you have ten thousand pesos you can lend me?“
Expression USED Frequently BY Anyone
(what horses have I killed) • Used to say what wrong has one done, that someone is acting in a strange way with them.
"हावॆं कितॆ घॊडॆ मारल्यात कि तॊ अचानक म्हजेशी उलयना?"
"What horses have I killed that suddenly he isn't talking to me?"
Submitted August 2020 by ujwalthelinguist
Slang USED Frequently BY Anyone, generally older generations
(v.) • (to say oh-father, oh-son) • This is used to say that one had to persuade someone a lot in order to get something done.
"ताणें ना तिगली माफी मागली ना। शेवटी बाबा-पूता केलें की ताणें तीगली क्षमा मागली।"
"He was very hesitant at apologizing to her. In the end, we had to call him by oh-father, oh son, for him to say sorry to her."
Submitted August 2020 by ujwalthelinguist
Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Elders or peers
(unable to dance, calls the yard slanted) • This phrase is used to taunt someone who claims that a certain task can not be performed as a result of the bad external conditions rather than accepting that they have not mastered the skill themselves. It is generally not said directly to them, and is whispered to the other listener.
"मी चित्र रंगवू मस्त शकतो, पण रंगच खराब आहेत." "नाचता येईना अंगण वाकडे."
"I can paint very well, but actually the paints are quite bad." "He can't dance, and says that the yard is slanted"
Submitted August 2020 by ujwalthelinguist
Proverb USED On Rare Occasion BY Anyone, generally elders or peers
(Did I speak in Hebrew?) • In order to grab attention or reiterate that one said the same thing as what the audience said, or also used in order to say that you already agree on the same point and have mentioned it.
"चहात साखर नाही आहे." "चहा गोड का नाही आहे?" "मग, मी आत्ता हिब्रूत बोललो का? चहात साखर नाही आहे."
"There's no sugar in the tea." "The tea isn't sweet." "Then did I speak in Hebrew right now? There's no sugar in the tea."
Submitted August 2020 by ujwalthelinguist
Expression USED Frequently BY Teens
(n.) • Fun that is noisy and unorganized. Doing various things without doing anything.
"Qué recocha esto."
"What a noisy an unorganized fun this is."
Italian | Dialetto avellinese Irpinia, Italy
Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(noun, adjective) • A noun or an adjective used to underline someone’s stupidity in a friendly and, in some cases, slightly offensive way, e.g. when they embarrass themselves (or even you) in public or when they keep on making the same mistakes.
"Quanto si stordo, ‘o frat."
"Bro, you are so stupid."
Submitted August 2020 by alessiafromitaly
Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • Someone who is very miserly.
"Que man tan líchigo, nunca paga nada."
"What a miserly man, he never pays for anything."