Polish Poland


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • ("[the party] 100 days [before]”) • a prom party that it’s organised around 100 days before Matura exam (state examination at the end of high school)

"Marii nie będzie na studniówce, bo złamała sobie nogę."

"Maria won’t come to her prom party, because she broke her leg."

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(adj.) • When someone has a hangover.

"Estoy super enguayabado."

"I am very hangover."

Confirmed by 7 people


French France


Acronym USED Frequently BY Teens, young adults

Short for "fils de pute", literally "son of a bitch". It is most often used as an insult, but sometimes, young adults can use it at the end of a sentence, when they are annoyed and want to exaggerate. It's mainly used when texting, but you can also hear it spoken. Caution: "fdp" is also a short for "frais de port" (shipping costs).

"Rends-moi mon argent fdp."

"Give me back my money you son of a bitch."

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Spain

tener vela en este entierro

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to have a candle at this funeral) • To have a say in a situation.

"¿Alguien te ha preguntado? ¿Quién te ha dado vela en este entierro?"

"Somebody asked you? Who gave you a candle at this funeral?"

Confirmed by 6 people


Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

For when a person is very comfortable in a position or place.

"Está muy amañado en su nuevo trabajo." "Está muy amañada en la fiesta."

"He is very comfortable in his new job." "She is very comfortable in the party."

Confirmed by 3 people


German Germany


Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (farsickness) • A strong urge to travel (fern) far from home. Opposite to homesickness/nostalgia (Heimweh).

“Ich habe Fernweh!”

“I have farsickness!”

Confirmed by 20 people

Sicilian Italy

Cu nasci tunnu, nun pò moriri quatratu

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(The one who was born in the shape of a square, cannot die shaped like a circle) • It’s used when someone promises you that they will change their attitude, but then never changes and keeps making the same mistakes.

When you promised your mum you were always going to clean up your room, but you don’t she says “cu nasci tunnu nun po moriri quatratu”


Polish Poland

lać wodę

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Students

(to pour water) • to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers

"Esej na trzy strony? Trzeba będzie lać wodę."

"A 3-page essay? We will have to pour water."

Confirmed by 4 people


Spanish Mexico

donde da vuelta el viento

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(where the wind turns) • Is used to express that a place is very far away

"¿Sabes dónde quedan las oficinas de gobierno?" "Por donde da vuelta el viento"

"Do you know where are the government offices?" "Where the wind turns."

Confirmed by 7 people


Spanish Mexico

hasta el culo del diablo

Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults

(up to the devil's ass) • Is used to express that a place is very far away

"¿Quieres ir a la casa de María?" "No, ella vive hasta el culo del diablo."

"Do you want to go to Maria's house?" "No, she lives up to the devil's ass."

Confirmed by 7 people


Polish Poland

wystroić się jak szczur na otwarcie kanału

Slang USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to dress up like a rat for the inauguration of the sewers) • To tart oneself up inadequately to a situation and/or extravagantly.

"A co ty się tak wystoriłaś jak szczur na otwarcie kanałów? My po prostu idziemy w jeansach."

"Why did you dress up like a rat for the inauguration of the sewers? Us, we are just wearing bluejeans."

Confirmed by 2 people



Portuguese Brazil

onde o Judas perdeu as botas

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(where Judas lost his boots) • When a place is way too far away.

"A fazenda dele fica onde o Judas perdeu as botas."

"His farm is where Judas lost his boots."

Confirmed by 4 people

German | Swiss German Switzerland


Slang USED On Occasion BY Some People

to say sorry or excuse me in a joking and informal way

"Äxgüsi, könnten sie miar helfa?"

"Excuse me, could you help me?"

German Switzerland


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(n.) • A "bünzli" is a person who follows rules at all times and wants others to follow them, too. It's usually also associated with people of higher socioeconomic status or older people. It has a partial overlap in meaning with the English slang term "Karen" in that a "bünzli" will also talk to a manager (or some kind of higher official) if something isn't done their way.

"Mi nochber isch sone bünzli. Är het gest dr polizei aglüte weil mr am 22:30 ufem balkon musik glost hän."

"My neighbor is such a bünzli. He called the police yesterday because we were listening to music on our balcony at 10:30pm."

German | Swiss German Switzerland

Hopp de Bäse

Idiom USED Frequently BY Some People

Used to tell someone to hurry up.

"Jetzt aber hopp de Bäse!"

"And now hurry up!"

German | Swiss German Bern, Switzerland


Slang USED Frequently BY Young people

(n.) • This word meaning "kiss" is used at the of a message, for example in a WhatsApp chat instead of “bye".

"Müntschi und bis bald"

"Kiss and see you soon"

French Wallonia, Belgium

il n'y a pas un chat

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(there isn't a cat) • The place is so empty there's no one there, not even a cat.

"J'ai été visiter un village fantôme, il n'y avait pas un chat!"

"I visited a ghost town, there wasn't even a cat!"

Confirmed by 2 people

Dutch Netherlands

Of je worst lust!

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Friends

(Whether you like sausage!) • Phrase used when the person you're talking to did not hear what you said and is asking you to repeat. Often pronounced louder than necessary for added effect.

"Wat ga je morgen doen?" "Huh?" "Ik vroeg: wat ga je morgen doen?" "Wat?" "Of je worst lust!"

"What are you doing tomorrow?" "Huh?" "I asked - what are you doing tomorrow?" "What?" "Whether you like sausage!"

Confirmed by 4 people

Spanish Argentina

estar al pedo

Expression USED Frequently BY Young People

(be to the fart) • Used when you're free or not doing anything important.

"¿Estás ocupada mañana?" "No, estoy al pedo todo el día."

"Are you busy tomorrow?" "No, I'm to the fart all day."

Confirmed by 10 people


Welsh Wales

paid â chodi pais ar ôl piso

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People

(don’t raise your petticoat after pissing) • Don’t spend time worrying about something that cannot be changed.

"Dylet ti wedi dod â siorts neu paid â chodi pais ar ôl piso."

"You should have come with shorts but don’t raise your petticoat after pissing."