Spanish Venezuela

no gastes polvora en zamuro

Expression USED Frequently BY Gen Y, Gen X and Older

(don't waste gunpowder on vulture) • It refers to not wasting time, money or effort on things that will not leave any benefit.

"Deja de invitarle tragos, ella tiene esposo. No gastes polvora en zamuro."

"Stop buying her drinks, she has a husband. Don't waste gunpowder on vulture."

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Venezuela

quedarse sin el chivo y sin el mecate

Expression USED Frequently BY Gen Y, Gen X and Older Gen

(to be left without the goat and without the rope) • Having two options and ending up not having either.

''Porque no tomaste una desición a tiempo, te quedaste sin el chivo y sin el mecate.''

''Because you didn't make a decision in time, you're left without the goat and without the rope.''

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Venezuela

mango bajito

Expression USED On Occasion BY Gen X, Gen Z and Olders

(low mango) • Something is low mango when is easy to get or is a good opportunity.

''Aprovecha esa oferta! Es un mango bajito!''

''Take advantage of that offer! That is a low mango!''

Confirmed by 3 people

Romanian Romania

ai descoperit coada pisicii

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(to discover the cat's tail) • To point out something obvious; to speak out a known fact like it was something new or original.

"Ce să-ți spun, ai descoperit coada pisicii!"

"What can I say? You discovered the cat's tail."


Spanish Spain

como quien oye llover

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(like who hears rain) • The expression is used by the person who is talking when someone is not listening to them.

"No me escucha cuando hablo, es como quien oye llover."

"He don't listen to me when I'm talking, it's like who hears rain."

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Various countries

Het is niet zo mijn ding

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(It is not so my thing) • It's not my cup of tea, I don't really like it.

"Voetbal is niet zo mijn ding."

"Football isn't really my thing."

English Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

pure scundered

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

Used to describe a person who is extremely embarrassed.

"Look at her, she’s pure scundered!"


Italian Italy

Grazie al cazzo!

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(Thanks to the dick!) • It is used when someone makes a remark or provides information that was totally obvious in the first place.

“Abbiamo pagato due caffè 20 euro!” “Grazie al cazzo, siamo a Venezia!”

“We just paid 20 euros for two coffees!” “Thanks to the dick, we’re in Venice!”

Confirmed by 9 people


Italian Italy

Non è nelle mie corde

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(It is not in my ropes) • When you don't like something or you're not good at it. It is the corresponding expression for "it is not my cup of tea".

"Non mi piace la pallavolo. Non è nelle mie corde."

"I don't like volleyball. It is not in my ropes."

Confirmed by 9 people


Central Khmer Cambodia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(motherfucker) • In English, it would mean "motherfucker" and it is commonly used among Cambodians to express their anger or to joke around their peers.

"Ah jm hg Jong ngorb men?"

"Motherfucker do you wanna die?"

Spanish Puerto Rico

Está lloviendo a cántaros

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

It's the equal for the English version of "pouring" when it's raining. A "cántaro" is a big clay pitcher, used to store great amounts of water.

"¿Está lloviendo hoy?" "Sí, a cántaros."

Confirmed by 2 people


Italian Italy

Non mi fa impazzire

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(It doesn't make me go crazy) • Used to say that something is not your thing or that you don't like it very much.

"Questo libro non mi ha fatto impazzire, non è il mio genere."

"This book didn't make me go crazy, it's not my genre."

Confirmed by 9 people


French France

Quand les poules auront des dents

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(When hens grow teeth) • Something that will never ever happen.

"J'espère gagner la lotterie!" "Oui, quand les poules auront des dents."

"I hope to win the lottery!" "Yeah, when hens grow teeth."

Confirmed by 8 people

German Germany

ich glaub mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(I think my fish beeps at the last hole) • An expression of ironic shock.

''Du hast meine pommes geklaut! Ich glaube mein Fisch piept am letzten Loch!''

''You stole my fries! I think my fish beeps at the last hole!''

French France

il y a une couille dans le potage

Expression USED On Occasion BY Some People

(there is a testicle in the soup) • When something is unexplained or not normal. (We’ll never know if the problem is the only one testicle or the fact that’s in the soup).

"Ma voiture ne démarre pas - il y a une couille dans le potage."

"My car won't start - there's a testicle in the soup."

Confirmed by 3 people

Arabic Damascus, Syria

والله شكلنا وصلنا لمطرح ما ضيع القرد ابنو

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(the place where the monkey lost its child) • When someone is very lost.

"وين صرنا شريك؟ النا ساعة عم نمشي.. شكلنا ضعنا" "والله شكلنا وصلنا لمطرح ما ضيع القرد ابنو"

"Where have we arrived, mate? We have been walking for hours, it seems we are lost..." "It seems we arrived where the monkey lost its child."

German Switzerland

Hesch dini sieba sacha?

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(Do you have your seven things?) • To ask someone if they have all their belongings, so that you can get going.

"Hesch dini sieba sacha? Miar kömmen sus no ds spot!"

"Do you have your seven things? Otherwise we’ll be late!"

Confirmed by 8 people


Spanish Argentina

el día del arquero

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(the goalkeeper’s day) • Used when something is unlikely or that will happen in a very long time.

“Si no estudiás, te vas a recibir el día del arquero.”

“If you don’t study, you’re gonna graduate on the goalkeeper’s day”

Confirmed by 5 people

Swiss German Switzerland

heb dr latz

Expression USED Frequently BY Young People

(hold your apron) • an offensive and rude way to tell someone to shut up

"Heb dr Latz, du hesch jo eh kai Ahnig vo was du redsch!"

"Hold your apron, you don’t know what you‘re talking about anyways!"

Swiss German Switzerland

nia im leba!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(never in life) • Something that is very unlikely to happen, especially if you dare someone to do something.

"Nia im Leba gosch du jetzt zu dem Typ ana und frogsch ihn noch sinera Nummera!"

"Never in life would you go over to that guy and ask him for his number!"

Confirmed by 3 people