
Italian Italy

Che si dice?

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(What is said?) • A near-equivalent in English would be "what's up?", referring to people's perception of the general current situation. The question is usually referred to one or more people in particular, so it always has its specificity.

"Ehilà! Che si dice?"

"Hey there! What is said?”

Confirmed by 12 people


Spanish Honduras


Word USED Frequently BY Most People

(n.) • Used to refer to sympathizers of the country's conservative national party and narco-dictator.

"No le importan los derechos del pueblo, fijo es cachureco."

"He doesn't care about people's rights, he must be cachureco."

Spanish Honduras


Word USED On Occasion BY Most People

(n.) • It's used to refer to cops. The term was originated in the 80s.

"Cuídate de los chepos."

"Beware of the cops."

Spanish Honduras

Nos vamos de pijín

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

Used when you're going out/clubbing.

"Invitá a tu hermano, nos vamos de pijín."

"Invite your brother, we're going clubbing."



Icelandic Iceland

áfram með smjörið

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(onwards with the butter) • Used to incite action, usually for encouragement; 'Let's go!', 'come on!', 'Let's dive in!'

"Ertu ekki hress? Fínt! Áfram með smjörið!"

"Are you down for it? Great! Onwards with the butter!"

Confirmed by 2 people

French France


Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People

(adj.) • Used to describe someone who lies, often to make themselves sounds better. Abbreviation of 'mythomane'.

"Ne l’écoute pas, il est gros mytho."

"Don't listen to him, he's a complete liar."

French France


Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People

(v.) • To eat.

"Viens, on va chercher à bouffer."

"Come on, let's find something to eat."

French France

une taffe

Word USED Frequently BY Most People

(n.) • A drag of a cigarette.

"Je peux te prendre une taffe?"

"Can I have a drag?"

English United Kingdom

to have a knack for

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Most People

An ability or special method for doing something easily and well.

"The door's a bit stiff, there's a knack to opening it." "She's got a knack for baking, she should open a shop."

English Sunderland, United Kingdom


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(adj.) • Used to express positive feelings towards something.

"Yeah I like him, he's a canny lad."


French France

poser un lapin

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(to put down a rabbit) • To stand someone up.

"Pourquoi tu pleures?" "Il m'a posé un lapin."

"Why are you crying?" "He put me down a rabbit."

Dutch Netherlands

Hoe verzin je het?

Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Most people

(How do you come up with it?) • Phrase used when something is very extraordinary or hard to believe

“Heb je gehoord dat ze nu al weer de loterij hebben gewonnen?” “Jeetje, hoe verzin je het?”

“Did you hear they won the lottery again?” “Little gee, how do you come up with it?”

French France

Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse

Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(A rolling stone gathers no moss) • Meaning that an adventurous life does not allow you to get materially rich. It comes from the facts that rocks gather moss in the forest.

"Il faut vraiment trouver un travail. Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse."

"You really need to get a job. A rolling stone gathers no moss."


Dutch Netherlands

koekje van eigen deeg

Expression USED On Occasion BY most people

(cookie of own dough) • To give someone a taste of their own medicine - to do the same harmful or unpleasant thing that one has inflicted on others or to attack in the same manner in which one attacks others.

"Nadat we vorig jaar de wedstrijd 6-0 verloren hadden, hebben we ze dit jaar een koekje van eigen deeg gegeven."

"After losing the game 6-0 last year, this year we gave them a cookie of their own dough."

English English speaking countries

keep your chin up

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

Used to encourage someone to remain positive.

"Have you heard back from the job yet?" "No." "Well, keep your chin up, you'll hear soon!"

Confirmed by 11 people

Spanish Chile

más frío que el abrazo de una suegra

Expression USED Frequently BY Most People

(colder than a mother-in-law's hug) • Form of expression used when the weather is cold.

''Afuera hace más frío que el abrazo de una suegra.''

''It's colder than a mother-in-law's hug outside.''

Confirmed by 2 people


Slovak Slovakia

vykašľať sa

Expression USED Very frequently BY Most People

(v.) • (to cough (on something)) • To let it be, to not do something.

"Mám chuť sa vykašľať na prácu!"

"I wish to cough on the work!"

Chinese Various countries


Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People

(stupid egg) • Fool or stupid idiot; can be either insulting or playful depending on context, such as whether the speaker is a stranger or a close friend.


"You let us lose! Are you a stupid egg?"

Greek Greece

Ούτε στα πιο τρελά σου όνειρα

Slang USED On Occasion BY Most People

(not even in your wildest dreams ) • This phrase is used to show denial over an absurd or unbelievable story.

"Μαμά δεν έχουμε καθόλου ασκήσεις για το σχολείο αύριο." "Ούτε στα πιο τρελά σου όνειρα δεν ισχύει αυτό."

"Mum we don't have any homework for school tomorrow." "Not even in your wildest dreams is this true!"

Italian | Neapolitan Neaples, Italy

Quanno chiove e nun se 'nfonne pe' terra

Idiom USED Frequently BY Most People

(When it rains and the earth doesn't get wet) • Used to say that a situation is an unlikely scenario.

"Ho sentito che Franco, il secchione, è uscito con quella gnocca di Paola." "Quanno chiove e nun se 'nfonne pe' terra."

"I have heard that Franco, the nerd, went out with that hot piece of ass of Paola." "When it rains and the earth doesn't get wet."