| Rotterdams
Word USED On Occasion BY Most People
(n.) • (beet cooker) • Stupid person; weirdo; asshole
“Let eens op waar je loopt man, krotenkoker!“
“Watch where you're walking, beet cooker!“
Submitted July 2020 by ydnar
Standard Phrase USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(on the battle) • Phrase used to encourage others to start something that needs to be done.
"Oké jongens, aan de slag! We hebben niet veel tijd meer."
"Okay guys, let's get to work! We don't have much time left."
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(The fat coin (goes) to you) • You say this when you want to give up on an argument and tell the other person they're right without actually meaning it.
"La pizza con piña está muy rica." "Que no, que es una aberración." "Está buenísima." "Dejémoslo ya, pa ti la perra gorda."
"Pineapple pizza is very tasty." "It's not, it's an abomination." "It's delicious." "Let's leave it, the fat coin goes to you."
Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(n.) • (pre fun) • The joy you experience in anticipation of something fun. Often used in combination with the word "dikke" (thick or fat).
"Heb je zin in de vakantie" "Ja man, ik heb dikke voorpret"
"Are you excited about your vacation?" "Yes man, I am having thick beforefun"
het zekere voor het onzekere nemen
Expression USED On Occasion BY Most People
(to take the certain before the uncertain) • To take the safest option
“Moet ik m’n jas meenemen of zal ik ‘m hier laten?” “Ik zou het zekere voor het onzekere nemen”
“Should I take my jacket or should I leave it here?” “I would take the certain before the uncertain”
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People
(If it's not soup, it's wet bread) • This idiom is used when someone is left with only one obvious option after trying guessing the other, wrong one.
"Chi ha scritto la Divina Commedia?" "Petrarca?" "No." "Dante, allora." "Beh, se non è zuppa, è pan bagnato..."
"Who wrote the Divine Comedy?" "Petrarch?" "No." "Dante, then." "Well, if it's not soup, it's wet bread..."
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(Joost may know it) • Used when you have no idea and also have no intention of finding out.
"Wie mijn vader nu weer aan het daten is, Joost mag het weten"
"Who my dad is dating right now, Joost may know"
Slang USED Frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • The term refers to tourists, specifically those from the North of Europe.
"Mira, ahí vienen unos guiris con sandalias y calcetines."
"Look, there come guiris wearing socks and sandals."
Word USED Frequently BY Everyone
(v.) • (Plant it!) • Meaning "stop it", it's used when you want someone to quit annoying you.
"Non voglio più saperne dei tuoi scherzi! Piantala!"
"Enough of your pranks! Plant it!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(You lost your pot) • To go crazy, with the pot referring to one's head.
“¿Qué! ¿No quieres llevar paraguas con la de lluvia que hace? Se te fue la olla, mijo.”
“What?! You don't want to take an umbrella with how bad it's raining? You lost your pot, son.“
Uno, due, tre... Fante, cavallo e re!
Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Elderly people
(One, two, three... Jack, knight and king!) • This rhyme is something elderly people say when counting up to three, sometimes before getting up from a chair or sofa.
"Ah, mi fa male la schiena! Adesso mi alzo. Uno, due, tre... Fante, cavallo e re!"
"Ouch, my back hurts! I'll get up now. One, two, three. Jack, knight and king!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Antifacists
(n.) • Combination of the words “cop” and “propaganda”. Used for media that promotes the police and/or shows them in a positive light.
“Say what you want, but Paw Patrol is pure copaganda.”
Spanish speaking countries
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(n.) • (half orange) • Translates to 'other half' or 'better half'. Used to describe one's soulmate.
"Ella es mi media naranja."
"She's my half orange.”
French speaking countries
Expression USED On Occasion BY everyone
(to have pain to the heart) • To be nauseous or have the desire to vomit.
"Que puis-je faire si j'ai trop mal au coeur le matin pour prendre mon comprimé rose à jeun?"
"What can I do if I'm too nauseous in the morning to take my pink tablet on an empty stomach?"
Interjection USED On Occasion BY older people
(oh favor) • Used as a posh interjection as something along the lines of "Oh dear".
"Oh gunst, wat heeft ze een mooie jurk aan!"
"Oh dear, look at that beautiful dress she is wearing"
Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY everyone
When something is taking a very long time and you want to exaggerate that its been a very long time.
“Why is it taking forever for our food to come out?”
Idiom USED Very frequently BY everyone
when something is very satisfying and it's exactly what you needed in that moment. It mostly refers to food especially if you have a craving.
“That ice cream really hit the spot! I've been wanting some all week!”
gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Adults
(where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat ) • Used when there are too many people working on the same task or the same problem: they will not succeed nor will it be done well.
"Zdecydujmy, kto jest odpowiedzialny, ponieważ gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść."
"Let's decide who is in charge because where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat."
Slang USED Very frequently BY young francophones
(interj.) • Slang used to greet a friend or express various feelings like excitement, anger etc.
"Wesh mon ami!"
"Hey pal!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(v.) • (to afterenjoy) • It means to take enjoyment in something after the fact, when something is not yet a distant memory. It’s generally used when you come home from for example a vacation, concert, and you are still feeling the enjoyment.
“Hoe was de vakantie?” “Heel fijn, ik ben nog lekker aan het nagenieten”
“How was your vacation?” “Very nice, I’m still afterenjoying”