English English speaking countries

to yap on

Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(v.) • Used when someone keeps talking on and on, without meaning and without sign of stopping

"And then this happened.." "Stop yapping on and get to the point!"

Confirmed by 9 people

Spanish Mexico


Emoji USED On Occasion BY Young People

It turns normal things into spicy or sexual.

"¿Qué vas a hacer hoy? 🌚"

"What are you going to do today? 🌚"

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Honduras


Emoji USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

It's used to "point" where something is without using your hands.

"¿Me podés traer mi libro? Está ahí. 😗"

"Could you bring me my book? It's right there. 😗"

Confirmed by 4 people



Bulgarian Bulgaria

cлед дъжд качулка

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(after-rain hoodie) • Something already unnecessary, late.

"Той ми каза да не купувам чантата, защото той щял да ми я купи, но аз вече си я бях купила. След дъжд качулка."

"He told me not to buy the purse because he wanted to buy it for me, but I had already got it. After-rain hoodie."


Italian Italy


Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People

(n.) • Used between young people to say that something is lit and very cool.

"Questo libro è una figata."

"This book is lit."

Confirmed by 9 people


Italian | Roman Lazio, Italy

e te pareva

Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(and it seemed to you) • Exclamation you use when something that you had a feeling would happen actually happens.

"Mi hai riportato il mio caricabatterie?" "Scusa, me lo sono dimenticato." "E te pareva! È la terza volta che te lo scordi!"

"Did you bring my charger?" "Sorry, I forgot." "I knew it! It's the third time you forget!"

Confirmed by 9 people

English United Kingdom


Word USED On Occasion BY Older Generations

(adj.) • Used to describe something that is extremely full or crowded.

"There's so much traffic, the motorways are chockablock."

Confirmed by 10 people

English English speaking countries


Acronym USED Frequently BY Young People

Stands for Fear of Missing Out.

"I decided to stay in on Friday night but when I saw the pictures the next day I had major fomo."

Confirmed by 12 people


English English speaking countries


Acronym USED On Occasion BY Most People

Stands for Bring Your Own Beer/Booze. Often found on party invitations or restaurants to indicate that you are welcome to bring your own drinks with you.

"Can we stop at the shop on the way to the party? It's a BYOB kind of thing."

Confirmed by 13 people



Hindi India


Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • Used to greet a person when you meet them or when you are taking leave of the person. Equivalent to 'Hello' in English.

"नमस्ते , आप कैसे हैं ?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Dutch Netherlands


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • (mother's stain) • The word for "birthmark".

"Als die moedervlek nog groter wordt, kan je beter naar de dokter gaan."

"If that mother's stain gets any bigger, you'd better go to the doctor."

Confirmed by 4 people

Arabic Gulf, Various countries


Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(what color are you?) • The common way to ask 'how are you?'.

"شلونك؟ " "زين شكرا"

"What colour are you?" "I'm good, thank you."



German Switzerland


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • Cool or great.

"Das isch so läss."

"That's so cool."


French French speaking countries


Word USED Frequently BY Young People

(adj.) • (stylish) • Used to say something's cool.

"Stylée ta nouvelle caisse !"

"Stylish, your new car!"

Confirmed by 6 people


Italian Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Young People

(adj.) • Something cool.

"Che figa questa borsa!"

"Such a cool purse!"

Confirmed by 9 people


German | Liechtenstein Dialect Liechtenstein

huara geil

Expression USED On Occasion BY Young People

(whore sexy) • Very informal way of expressing extreme excitement. Like "fantastic!" "awesome!" or "so cool!".

"Hesch schomol dr Toast im Johnny's probiert?" "Jo, er isch echt huara geil!"

"Have you ever tried the toast at Johnny's?" "Yes, it really is whore sexy!"

French France


Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY People between 15-25

Great or cool.

"C’était trop dar cette journée à la plage."

"The day at the beach was so cool."



Hebrew Israel


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (be new) • It's a blessing. Used when someone have something new (new haircut, nails, clothes, car, shoes, objects etc. Etc.) It means enjoy your new things. Probably come from the prayer the religious jews say when they wear new clothes. The cashiers in stores also say this when giving you what you just bought.

"זה מה שקנית אתמול? תתחדשי!"

"That's what you bought yesterday? Be new!"




Hebrew Israel


Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • ((he's) stealing) • Can be used in any context exactly as the word "cool".

"הסרט הזה ממש מגניב!"

"This movie is really cool!"


English United States

potato potato

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

A barely noticeable or trivial difference, just like po-tay-to and po-tah-to.

“What did you have for lunch?” “Baked eggplant.” “Don’t you mean aubergine?” “Potato potato, what’s the difference?”

Confirmed by 11 people