Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(v.) • (to afterenjoy) • It means to take enjoyment in something after the fact, when something is not yet a distant memory. It’s generally used when you come home from for example a vacation, concert, and you are still feeling the enjoyment.
“Hoe was de vakantie?” “Heel fijn, ik ben nog lekker aan het nagenieten”
“How was your vacation?” “Very nice, I’m still afterenjoying”
Quand les poules auront des dents
Expression USED In the past BY Older Generations
(When chickens have teeth) • Hyperbolic figure of speech describing something so unlikely it would never happen. French equivalent of "when pigs fly".
"J'espère qu'un jour il réalisera qu'il faut nettoyer sa chambre..." "Ouais, quand les poules auront des dents..."
"I hope he will someday understand he needs to clean his room." "Yeah, when chickens have teeth..."
Expression USED On Occasion BY everyone
(that doesn't eat bread) • When something doesn't cost anything and it's not bad. Or when you don't have to do much effort to have something.
"Ça mange pas de pain de reprendre un peu de salade!"
"It doesn’t eat bread to eat a little salad!"
Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(n.) • (the truth) • A more colloquial word that used to mean "the truth," and when used, emphasizes the truthfulness of what was said.
“¿neta wey?”
“for real?“
Slang USED Frequently BY Younger generations
A very recent term, it is the verlan of "mate" and can be used either on its own to mean "look!" or can be followed by the name of the item you want the other person to look at/check out.
"téma le flow"
"check out this flow"
French French speaking countries
Idiom USED On Occasion BY Anyone
(fingers in the nose) • Used to describe something that is done very easily, without any difficulty. While the literal translation is not actually used by native English speakers, French speaking people sometimes use it in a humorous way in English.
“Elle a réussi son examen du permis de conduire les doigts dans le nez!”
“She passed her driving test fingers in the nose!”
(adverb) • (because) • Became very popular in common speech after president Igor Dodon used it as an answer to a provocative question addressed by journalists.
"De ce nu purtați mască? De-atâta!"
"Why don't you wear a mask? Because!"
Submitted June 2020 by xxbeelkj
Italian Primarily the North, Italy
Word USED Frequently BY Teens
(v.) • (to lemon) • To kiss someone with the tongue (to make out).
"Ho visto Gianni e Davide limonare su una panchina al parco."
"I saw John and David lemoning on a bench in the park."
Expression USED Frequently BY everyone
(When your coin drops) • When you find an answer to a specific problem that bothered you for a long time; When you have a revelation.
"When I explained to her the chemistry exercise, her coin dropped and she finally understood it."
"Când i-am explicat exercițiul de chimie, i-a picat fisa și l-a înțeles în sfârșit."
Submitted June 2020 by balabanluisa
Slang USED Frequently BY teens
(v.) • To be beat means you're extremely tired that you need to sleep right now.
"Sorry, man, I'm so beat, I'm not going out tonight, I'm going right to bed!"
Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY some people
(v.) • Used to express a mistake or an error you made. People use this phrase when they don't want to mess something up or to have something go wrong.
"Take your time, you don't want to screw up!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(Like a fly without head) • Being desoriented.
"Премиерот е како мува без глава, новата влада функционира без никаков концепт."
"The prime minister is like a fly without head, the government is working without any concept. "
Submitted June 2020 by milenan
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
(that the story doesn't tell) • Used when you are telling something and someone asks a question you don't have the answer to.
"Mijn moeder is een keertje wezen skydiven." "Vond ze het leuk?" "Dat verteld het verhaal niet"
"My mom went skydiving once" "Did she like it?" "That the story doesn't tell"
Submitted June 2020 by amarens
Spanish Spanish speaking countries
Slang USED Frequently BY Young people
(goodbye fish) • Similar to the English "see you later alligator", it's a colloquial expression used with friends to say goodbye in a funny, rhyming way.
"Nos vemos el martes, ¡chao pescao!"
"See you on Tuesday, goodbye fish!"
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
An expression originally used when something is introduced to the plot in a novel, movie, etc., to make it more complicated or interesting, but is now also used outside that context to indicate a set of circumstances has become more complex, mysterious, interesting, or difficult to understand.
"Remember I told you I keep finding rubber ducks at my doorstep?" "Yeah?" "Turns out the same thing is happening to my sister!" "Wow, the plot thickens"
Expression USED On Occasion BY some people
A day late and a dollar short is another way to say too little too late. When a person is a day late and a dollar short, he has not only missed an opportunity due to tardiness, but also because he has not put forth enough effort. Originally, the phrase a day late and a dollar short most probably referred to not having enough money to avail oneself of something. The oldest known use of the phrase a day late and a dollar short in print was in 1939. The idiom was most certainly in common use before this, and probably has its roots in the general poverty common among most American citizens during the Great Depression. The idiom is very popular in the American South.
"The help after the hurricane came a day late and a dollar short"
Slang USED On Occasion BY Young People and Gamers
(interj.) • "Ripperoni" derives from the phrase RIP, or Rest In Peace, frequently used to express slight frustration, exasperation, or regret in common parlance. "Ripperoni" takes these sentiments and waters them down even more.
"You awake? Amara and I want to call you!" "No I was not awake lol." "Ripperoni."
prendre quelqu'un pour un lapin de six semaines
Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone
(to take someone for a bunny of six weeks) • Often used after someone gives you information you don’t believe to be true. You feel that someone is taking you for an idiot.
"J’ai été au marché de matin et j’ai croisé Lucie, elle a demandé de tes nouvelles!" "Très drôle, mais ne me prends pas pour un lapin de 6 semaines!"
"I went to the market this morning and I saw Lucy, she asked about you!" "Really funny, but don’t take me for a bunny of 6 weeks!"
English | American English United States
Emoji USED Frequently BY Drug dealers
Used discretely to signify that you can buy drugs from this person. A plug is an informal term used to describe a drug deal in American youth culture.
"Hey I’m John, if you’re a 🔌 hit me up!"
Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Some People
(n.) • Used in place of “signature.” A reference to a man who signed the Declaration of Independence. Known for signing the document the largest.
“Hey, I need your John Hancock before you go.”