Slang USED Frequently BY Some People
(adj.) • A variation of "fou/ouf", meaning something crazy or unbelievable.
"T'as vu ce qu'il s'est passé au Liban?! C'est chteuf!"
"Did you see what happened in Lebanon?! That's crazy!"
Submitted August 2020 by rollingraccoon
Expression USED Frequently BY Some People
(blowing flies) • Describes a person who is distracted and wasting time doing nothing.
"Pablo nunca hace nada en clase, se la pasa papando moscas."
"Pablo never does anything in class, he just keeps blowing flies."
Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(n.) • Slang word for car.
"Чья это тачка вон там?"
"Whose car is that over there?"
Submitted August 2020 by katyagerm
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • It means cool.
"У тебя клёвая машина."
"You have a cool car."
Submitted August 2020 by katyagerm
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(the day cows fly) • It means something will never happen.
"Va a ganar la lotería el día que las vacas vuelen."
"He will win the lotery the day cows fly."
mal llevado como sandía abajo del brazo
Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone
(difficult to carry as a watermelon under your arm) • When someone has a bad temper or is difficult to get on with, in Argentina you would say they are "difficult to carry".
"Juan es más mal llevado que sandía abajo del brazo."
"Juan is more difficult to carry than a watermelon under your arm."
Sound USED Frequently BY Some People
Resembling the sound of a car horn, it is used to ask a person for permission to pass by when walking.
"El pasillo está muy lleno, vamos a llegar tarde a la clase." "Tú sígueme, yo abriré el camino. ¡Pip-pip!"
"The hall is very crowded, we are going to be late for class." "Follow me, I will lead the way. Pip-pip!"
Word USED Frequently BY Teens
(adj.) • (dense) • A way of saying "cool" or "heavy".
"To bylo fakt hustý, jak se do něho pustil."
"That was really dense how he had a go at him."
Expression USED In the past BY Teens
(adj.) • (deadly) • Extremely good.
“Ese CD está mortal.”
“That CD is deadly.”
Expression USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone
(adj.) • Cool.
"Boia ganzo!"
"That's so cool!"
Expression USED In the past BY Almost Everyone
Used to express delight or excitement.
"There is a 75% off sale at the mall." "That's ayoba!"
Submitted August 2020 by kezz
Slang USED Very frequently BY Young People
(n.) • Something cool, incredible or impressive.
"Nowy film Tarantino to sztos!"
"Tarantino's new movie is sztos!"
English Cape Town and Durban, South Africa
Word USED Frequently BY Surfer types and Capetonians
(adj.) • A colloquial alternative to cool - used to express enjoyment or status.
"He's a kiff oke."
"He's a cool guy."
Submitted August 2020 by kezz
Word USED Frequently BY People from Ghent
(adj.) • (very wise) • Used to describe something that is fun, cool, nice.
“Het feestje van gisteren was vree wijs!“
“The party yesterday was very wise!”
Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(adj.) • (cool) • It is said when something good has happened.
"He aconseguit una beca." "Genial!"
" I got a scholarship." "That’s cool!"
Expression USED Frequently BY Young People
(that's another roll! ) • Used to express something or someone is cool.
"Hoy tuve examen y saqué 100" "¡Qué otro rollo!"
"I had a test today and got an A". "That's another roll!"
Word USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(n.) • A way of saying hello to your friends.
"Servus! Wie geht's?"
"Hi! How's it going?"
Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone
(v.) • (Are you having fun? ) • Used as an informal way to greet people instead of asking how are you, since there is no specific word for the English counterpart - hello. It can be used to convey the meanining of "Are you well" ?"
"મજામાં છે?"
"Are you having fun?"
Submitted August 2020 by hardimankodi
Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone
(a game for kids) • Something very easy to do.
"Lascia fare a me: è un gioco da ragazzi!"
"Let me do it - it's a game for kids!"
Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone
(What's the situation?) • What's up?
"কি অবস্থা? দিনকাল কেমন চলে?"
"What's up? How have you been doing?"
Submitted August 2020 by axelfahim