
English Wales


Word USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • A little hug or cuddle.

“Come for a cwtch, mam.“

“Come for a hug, mum.“

Confirmed by 5 people

Italian Italy


Word USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (goose) • A girl acting in a foolish way. Often laughing too loudly or trying to get a boy's attention.

"Sei proprio un'oca quando fai così."

"You're such a goose when you act like that."

Confirmed by 10 people

Italian Italy

alla mezza

Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Some People

(at the half) • It means "at half past x" and there's no need to say what hour.

"Ci vediamo in piazza alla mezza?"

"See you in the square at the half?"

Confirmed by 9 people

Italian | Neapolitan Naples, Italy


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • You use "schizzechea" to say that it's drizzling.

"Sta piovendo?" "Solo un po'... Schizzechea."

"Is it raining?" "Just a bit... It's drizzling."


Scots | Doric North east, Scotland

aye aye

Expression USED Frequently BY Scots speakers

Used as an informal greeting. Hi.

"Aye aye, fit like i'day?"

"Hi, how are you today?"



German Sauerland, Germany


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(day!) • Short for “good day”, used to say “hello”.

"Tach! Wie geht's?"

"Day, how are you?"


German Germany

Was geht?

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Young People

(What goes?) • An informal way of greeting someone.

"Was geht, alles gut?"

"What goes, everything good?"

Confirmed by 4 people

Spanish Mexico

qué onda

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People

(what wave) • Greetings, a way to say "what's up"

"¡Qué onda, Mateo! Mucho tiempo sin verte."

"What's up Mateo, long time without seeing you."

Confirmed by 7 people


English Stoke On Trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Ay up Duck

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Potters

A way to say hello. An informal greeting.

"Ay up Duck, how are ya?"

Confirmed by 4 people

Italian Italy

avere la coda

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Parents

(to have the tail) • Used when someone doesn't close the door when entering or leaving a room.

"Ma hai la coda? Chiudi la porta!"

"Do you have the tail? Close the door!"




Welsh Wales


Word USED Frequently BY Young People

(adj.) • Cool.

"Mae Cymraeg yn iaith cŵl iawn."

"Welsh is a very cool language."

Confirmed by 2 people



Basque Basque country and Navarra, Spain


Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(interj.) • Informal way to say hello in Basque. Whereas the canon word for that is "kaixo", most people use "aupa" and its huge variants in their everyday life in an informal context with known people.

"Aupa!" "Aupa!"


German German speaking countries


Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

A colloquial form of saying hello.

"Huhu, wie geht's?"

"Huhu, how are you?"

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Spain

¿Qué tal?

Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(How so?) • How is it going?

"¿Qué tal?" "Bien y ¿usted?"

"How is it going?" "I'm fine and you?"

Confirmed by 8 people

German Northern Germany , Germany


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

A greeting which can be used at any given time.

"Moin, wie geht's dir?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Confirmed by 4 people

Italian Italy

Non ci piove

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(It doesn’t rain on that ) • Used to say that there are no doubts about something.

"Agli italiani piace mangiare la pizza, su questo non ci piove."

"Italians like to eat pizza, it doesn’t rain on that."

Confirmed by 7 people



Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Teens

(save) • Way of saying "hello" or "what's up".

"Salve, como você está?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Confirmed by 3 people



Welsh Wales


Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Most People

(interj.) • A casual greeting

“Shwmae Rhys.” “Shwmae Siân.“

“Hey Rhys.” “Hey Siân.”

Confirmed by 3 people


English United Kingdom


Name USED In the past BY Friends

(n.) • Form of address between close (male) friends.

"How you doing, squire?"

Confirmed by 3 people


Italian Italy


Acronym USED Very frequently BY Teens

Short for "comunque", which translates to "anyways" or "by the way".

"Cmq non mi va di andare al cinema stasera."

"I don't feel like going to the movies tonight btw."

Confirmed by 11 people