
Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(adj.) • Condition after eating a lot of candy and as a result don't want to eat more.

"Ese merengón está muy hostigante"

"That merengón is so sweet that it leaves me no desire to eat more sweets."

Confirmed by 3 people

French France

tomber dans les pommes

Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(to fall into the apples) • To faint.

"Je me suis senti mal hier, je suis même tombé dans les pommes."

"I felt so ill yesterday, I even fainted."

Confirmed by 3 people

Italian Italy

a ogni morte di Papa

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(at every Pope's death) • It means rarely, once in a blue moon.

"Come va tuo figlio?" "Insomma, studia solo a ogni morte di Papa..."

"How's your son doing?" "Meh, he only studies once every Pope's death..."

Confirmed by 4 people

Italian Puglia and Campania, Italy


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • (Made-for-that-purpose) • Generic term for anything that can be used for any purpose.

“Vorrei appendere il quadro, ma non ho il fattapposta".

"I would like to hang the picture, but I don’t have the made-for-that-purpose."

Confirmed by 3 people

Sicilian Sicily, Italy


Name USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(duckling) • Used to refer to a pretty girl you see on the street. Especially used in the province of Catania.

“Oh paparedda, che si dice?”

''Hey duckling, how are you doing?''

Sicilian Sicily, Italy

petri petri

Expression USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(n.) • (stones stones) • It’s used when you’re in a bad situation.

"Ma vitti petri petri!"

"I saw it stones stones!"



Russian Russia


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Most People

It means “hi” or “hello”.

"Привет! Как дела?"

"Hi! How are you?"


Italian Italy


Sound USED Very frequently BY Dogs

This is what Italian dogs say.

"Bau bau bau!"

"Give me more food, human!"

Confirmed by 13 people


Spanish Guatemala


Slang USED Very frequently BY Young people

(adj.) • Use to describe something it's nice, cool, well done.

"¡Qué chilero tu trabajo!"

"Your work is cool!"

Confirmed by 2 people


Spanish Argentina

tirar manteca al techo

Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults

(to throw butter to the ceiling) • To waste money, to spend too much on something, often to show others how much money you have.

"¿Pudiste cobrar la plata? ¡Estás para tirar manteca al techo!"

"Were you able to cash the money? You could throw butter to the ceiling!"

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish El Salvador


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(adj.) • It describes a nosy person.

"¡Es una conversación privada. No seas meque!"

"This is a private conversation. Don't be meque!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Dutch Netherlands

dat zegt me niks

Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(that says me nothing) • Way of saying something doesn’t sound familiar or doesn’t “ring a bell”

“Ken je dit?” “Nee, zegt me niks.”

“Do you know this?” “No, it says me nothing.”

Confirmed by 6 people


Spanish Peru


Slang USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(adj.) • Peruvian way to say "cool", "great" or "awesome"

"Eso es chévere!"

"That's super cool"

Confirmed by 11 people

Spanish Peru


Slang USED Very frequently BY Most People

(n.) • a thief or pickpocket

"Un choro me robó el celular."

"A pickpocket stole my smartphone."

Confirmed by 5 people


Russian Russia


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It is a slang name of Russia.

"Кто хочет поехать в Рашку? Там много уникальных мест."

"Who wants to go to Russia? There are many unique places."

Confirmed by 5 people

Ukrainian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Ukrainian sound for laughter.

"Бггг це Україна..."

"Ha ha ha, this is Ukraine..."

Confirmed by 4 people


Dutch Netherlands


Word USED Very frequently BY Most People

(n.) • (day) • Short for "goedendag" "goodday" and is used to say both "hello" and "good-bye".

"Dag Marja! Alles goed?" "Ja prima, maar ik moet er nu weer vandoor" "Oké, dag" "Dag!"

"Day Marja! Everything okay?" "Yes, fine, but I have to run" "Okay, day" "Day!"

Confirmed by 7 people

Chinese Taiwan


Slang USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

A greeting like "hi", which you can use to replace "good morning", "good afternoon" or "good evening".


"Hi, do you want to hang out later?"

Confirmed by 2 people




Bulgarian Bulgaria

к’во стаа?

Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Young people and adults

(what’s happening) • The expression means 'what’s up', 'how’s it going'. The contracted form is more informal and frequently used, but only in speech; the long form is used in written texts.

"Оо, к’во стаа, не сме се виждали отдавна!"

"Oh, how’s it going, we haven’t seen each other in a while!"

Confirmed by 2 people


Spanish Argentina


Slang USED Very frequently BY Teens

(interj.) • It can be used when you say something that you don't want to be taken literally or you're just being silly.

"Sos re lindo, ¿puedo besarte? Ahre jajaja"

"You are very cute, can I kiss you? Ahre hahaha"

Confirmed by 9 people