Italian | Neapolitan Naples, Italy


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • You use "schizzechea" to say that it's drizzling.

"Sta piovendo?" "Solo un po'... Schizzechea."

"Is it raining?" "Just a bit... It's drizzling."



German Sauerland, Germany


Expression USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(day!) • Short for “good day”, used to say “hello”.

"Tach! Wie geht's?"

"Day, how are you?"



Basque Basque country and Navarra, Spain


Interjection USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(interj.) • Informal way to say hello in Basque. Whereas the canon word for that is "kaixo", most people use "aupa" and its huge variants in their everyday life in an informal context with known people.

"Aupa!" "Aupa!"


German German speaking countries


Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

A colloquial form of saying hello.

"Huhu, wie geht's?"

"Huhu, how are you?"

Confirmed by 2 people

Spanish Spain

¿Qué tal?

Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(How so?) • How is it going?

"¿Qué tal?" "Bien y ¿usted?"

"How is it going?" "I'm fine and you?"

Confirmed by 8 people

German Northern Germany , Germany


Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

A greeting which can be used at any given time.

"Moin, wie geht's dir?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Confirmed by 4 people

Italian Italy

Non ci piove

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(It doesn’t rain on that ) • Used to say that there are no doubts about something.

"Agli italiani piace mangiare la pizza, su questo non ci piove."

"Italians like to eat pizza, it doesn’t rain on that."

Confirmed by 7 people


Spanish Spanish speaking countries

cuando las vacas vuelen

Expression USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(when cows fly) • Expression used when you want to emphasize that something is never going to happen. Oh well, maybe when cows fly.

"¿Mi madre dejarme ir al concierto de Maluma sola? Sí claro, cuando las vacas vuelen."

"My mother allowing me to go to Maluma's concert by myself? Yeah sure, when cows fly."

Confirmed by 12 people



Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Кхм, кхм, кхм... помоги мне с багажами, пожалуйста."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem... help me with my luggage, please."

Confirmed by 5 people

German Germany


Word USED On Rare Occasion BY Everyone

(n.) • Describes a total chaos.

"In der Wohnung herrschte ein einziges Tohuwabohu, überall lagen Sachen herum."

"The apartment was in a total chaos, there were things laying around everywhere."

Confirmed by 4 people



English Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The English sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Ahem, I'm still here."

Confirmed by 15 people


Spanish Mexico


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It´s like saying something is bad or not cool.

“¡No seas gacho!“

“Don´t be mean!”

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Spain

suena a chino

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(sounds like Chinese) • Referring to anything you can't understand, from Maths to a foreign language.

"¡No entiendo nada, toda la explicación me ha sonado a chino!"

"I can't understand anything, the whole explanation sounds like Chinese to me!"

Confirmed by 7 people

Romanian Romania


Interjection USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(cats) • It is a kid friendly equivalent of "oh, shit!". It is used to express surprise or when somebody is upset.

"Iar am picat examenul la literatură. Pisici..."

"I failed the literature exam again. Cats..."


Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Popcorn.

"Cuando veo una película, me gusta comer cotufas."

"When I watch a movie, I like to eat cotufas."

Confirmed by 8 people

Polish Poland

na bank

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adv.) • (on bank) • for sure

"Na bank pójdziemy jutro do kina."

"For sure we'll go to the cinema tomorrow."

Confirmed by 5 people


Welsh Wales

paid â mynd o flaen gofid

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(don’t go ahead of fear) • Used in response to someone looking for difficulties in a situation where they may not even be any, causing them to worry for nothing.

"Mae Cymraeg ddim yn rhy anodd - dylet ti ei dysgu. Paid â mynd o flaen gofid."

"Welsh is not too difficult - you should learn it. Don’t go ahead of fear."


Hungarian Hungary


Word USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(adj.) • (fake modest) • Someone who pretends to be modest or humble, but actually wants to draw attention towards their achievements.

"Nem szeretek beszélni vele, annyira álszerény!"

"I don't like talking to him, he's so fake-modest!"

Confirmed by 2 people

English | Singlish Singapore

aunty / uncle

Name USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Anyone is called “aunty” or “uncle” as long as they are older than you. It is a heartfelt and homey way of addressing elders, and an alternative to “madam” or “sir”

“Aunty, can you help me with the plates?“

Confirmed by 7 people

Italian Italy

A caval donato non si guarda in bocca

Expression USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(Don’t look in the mouth of a gift horse) • It means that all that is given is something gained and it would be impolite to comment on the quality of the gift.

"La maglia che ti ha regalato Giuseppina non è di buona qualità, ma a caval donato non si guarda in bocca."

"The shirt Giuseppina got you is not of good quality, but don't look in the mouth of a gift horse."

Confirmed by 7 people