

Portuguese Brazil


Slang USED Frequently BY Teens

(save) • Way of saying "hello" or "what's up".

"Salve, como você está?"

"Hello, how are you?"

Confirmed by 3 people



Welsh Wales


Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Most People

(interj.) • A casual greeting

“Shwmae Rhys.” “Shwmae Siân.“

“Hey Rhys.” “Hey Siân.”

Confirmed by 3 people


Italian Italy


Acronym USED Very frequently BY Teens

Short for "comunque", which translates to "anyways" or "by the way".

"Cmq non mi va di andare al cinema stasera."

"I don't feel like going to the movies tonight btw."

Confirmed by 11 people



Russian Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The Russian sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Кхм, кхм, кхм... помоги мне с багажами, пожалуйста."

"Ahem, ahem, ahem... help me with my luggage, please."

Confirmed by 5 people



English Various countries


Sound USED Very frequently BY Everyone

The English sound for coughing that someone makes to show various feelings, such as doubt, disapproval, embarrassment, or to attract attention.

"Ahem, I'm still here."

Confirmed by 15 people



Czech | hantec slang (brněnský hantec) Brno, Czechia


Word USED Frequently BY residents of the city of Brno

(n.) • Tramway. Was loaned from German 'Elektrische Linie' and is used by residents of Brno exclusively.

"Zétra pofáruju šalinó na Prýgl."

"I‘m going to the Brno Reservoir tomorrow."


Spanish Mexico


Slang USED Very frequently BY Everyone

It´s like saying something is bad or not cool.

“¡No seas gacho!“

“Don´t be mean!”

Confirmed by 5 people


English Devon, England

Where to?

Standard Phrase USED Frequently BY Most People

(Where? ) • A phrase in which the ‘to’ refers to a specific place. Asking “where someone is to” is like asking where someone is.

“Where’s he to?”

Confirmed by 9 people


English United Kingdom

fat scrap

Slang USED Frequently BY Young People

(n.) • 1) When used as a noun, it refers to a big fight or scuffle. 2) As a verb, it refers to having a fight, or the action of a fight taking place. It usually refers to a physical altercation.

1) "We had a fat scrap." 2) "I’ll scrap him later."

Confirmed by 5 people


Spanish Spain

suena a chino

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(sounds like Chinese) • Referring to anything you can't understand, from Maths to a foreign language.

"¡No entiendo nada, toda la explicación me ha sonado a chino!"

"I can't understand anything, the whole explanation sounds like Chinese to me!"

Confirmed by 7 people


Spanish Venezuela


Word USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Popcorn.

"Cuando veo una película, me gusta comer cotufas."

"When I watch a movie, I like to eat cotufas."

Confirmed by 8 people


Serbian Serbia

zagrej stolicu

Expression USED Frequently BY parents and teachers

(warm your chair ) • You say this when you think someone should study more.

"Ako želiš da položiš ispit, moraćeš da zagreješ stolicu!"

"If you want to pass the exam, you will need to warm your chair!"

Confirmed by 3 people



Serbian Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro

okači mačku o rep

Expression USED Frequently BY Some People

(hang it on a cat's tail) • That's what you say when someone did something that you find pointless or useless.

"Tu diplomu možeš da okačiš mačku o rep!"

"You can hang that diploma on a cat's tail!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Polish Poland

na bank

Expression USED Frequently BY Everyone

(adv.) • (on bank) • for sure

"Na bank pójdziemy jutro do kina."

"For sure we'll go to the cinema tomorrow."

Confirmed by 5 people

English | Singlish Singapore

aunty / uncle

Name USED Very frequently BY Everyone

(n.) • Anyone is called “aunty” or “uncle” as long as they are older than you. It is a heartfelt and homey way of addressing elders, and an alternative to “madam” or “sir”

“Aunty, can you help me with the plates?“

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish Valle del Cauca, Colombia


Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(n.) • (turkey) • Word used to denote the group of people with whom you have sexual intercourse.

“Ya quiero que sea fin de semana para verme con mi pavo.”

“I want it to be the weekend to see my turkey.”

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Colombia

cuadrarse (con alguien)

Expression USED Very frequently BY Young People

(v.) • (to position yourself (with somebody)) • To become the boyfriend/girlfriend of someone.

“Yo me quiero cuadrar con Simon.“

“I want to position myself with Simon.”

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Colombia


Expression USED Very frequently BY Teens

(n.) • A residual bad feeling that is the result of the love that remains for someone after the end of a relationship.

“Tengo una tusa terrible después de haber cortado con Carlos.“

“I have a bad feeling after having broken up with Carlos.“

Confirmed by 5 people

Spanish Colombia

caerle (a alguien)

Expression USED Frequently BY Teens

(fall to someone) • Phrase used to express the actions used to show the desire of starting a romantic relationship with someone.

"Yo le estaba cayendo a Laura, pero ella me dijo que me quería como amigo."

"I was falling to Laura, but she said that she saw me as a friend."

Confirmed by 7 people



Konkani India

हांव कितें माश्यो मारच्या बसला ?

Expression USED Frequently BY Anyone

(Am I sitting here to kill flies ?) • Expression used to ask why someone has been called somewhere, or to ask why one should keep waiting. Could also be used to emphasize that someone has been working on a task for a long time.

"आज ताका बेगी इमेल धाडका।" "मगीर हांव कितें एदोळच्यांन हंगा माश्यो भारत बसला ? बरयता नी हांव?"

"Today we have to send him the email quickly." "So do you think I am sitting here and killing flies? I am writing it, ain't I ?"