

Italian Italy

il giorno del poi e il mese del mai

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(the day of later and the month of never) • You want your nosy aunt to stop asking you when you're going to get a boyfriend? Answer this and you'll see her wheels spinning trying to figure out you just told her you're going to postpone as much as you can.

"Ma, allora, quando ti fidanzi?" "Il giorno del poi e il mese del mai!"

"So when are you gonna get engaged?" "The day of later and the month of never!"



Polish Poland

gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Adults

(where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat ) • Used when there are too many people working on the same task or the same problem: they will not succeed nor will it be done well.

"Zdecydujmy, kto jest odpowiedzialny, ponieważ gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść."

"Let's decide who is in charge because where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat."


German Austria

die Kirche ums Kreuz tragen

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(carrying the church around the cross) • Used when somebody does something in an unnecessarily complicated way

"Mach das nicht so, da trägst du die Kirche ums Kreuz."

"Don‘t do it that way, you are carrying the church around the cross."

French France

faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties

Expression USED Frequently BY Adults

(don't push granny in the nettles) • Used to warn someone not to exaggerate or push something too far.

''Tu peux garder mon chat pendant trois semaines?" "Trois semaines?! Faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties!"

''Can you look after my cat for three weeks?" "Three weeks?! Don't push granny in the nettles!"

Confirmed by 3 people


Spanish Argentina

tirar manteca al techo

Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults

(to throw butter to the ceiling) • To waste money, to spend too much on something, often to show others how much money you have.

"¿Pudiste cobrar la plata? ¡Estás para tirar manteca al techo!"

"Were you able to cash the money? You could throw butter to the ceiling!"

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish Argentina

del año del pedo

Expression USED Frequently BY Adults

(from the year of the fart) • It is used to say that something is really old.

"¡Esa canción es del año del pedo!"

"That song is from the year of the fart!"

Confirmed by 11 people


Arabic Algeria


Word USED On Occasion BY young adults

(n.) • (idea) • Used when expressing approval and/or interest in a suggestion or opinion. Can be formal or informal depending on the situation. E.g. could be considered informal when addressing elders but not in a meeting - be it official or non-official.

"في رايي كون نزيدو سعر المنتج وحدو و نبيعوه في باكيات تع 3 و نديرو سولد تجي مليحة" "!ايه فكرة"

"In my opinion, if we raise the price of the product on its own and then sell it in packs of 3 on sale, it would be good." "Oh yeah that's an idea!"




Bulgarian Bulgaria

к’во стаа?

Standard Phrase USED Very frequently BY Young people and adults

(what’s happening) • The expression means 'what’s up', 'how’s it going'. The contracted form is more informal and frequently used, but only in speech; the long form is used in written texts.

"Оо, к’во стаа, не сме се виждали отдавна!"

"Oh, how’s it going, we haven’t seen each other in a while!"

Confirmed by 2 people



French Area around Lyon, France


Name USED Very frequently BY young adults

(a big person) • Slang term for "mate", "dude" or "bro".

"Gros t'as pas vu mes clefs?"

"Mate did you find my keys?"

Confirmed by 10 people

Spanish Honduras

como Pedro por su casa

Expression USED On Rare Occasion BY Mainly older adults

(like Peter for his house) • Used when someone is acting all casual as you would at your house, even though it might be inappropriate to act that way.

"Hay mucha gente en las calles como Pedro por su casa, parece que se les olvidó que estamos en cuarentena."

"There are so many people on the streets like Peter for his house. Seems like they forgot we are in quarantine."

French France

faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties

Expression USED On Occasion BY mainly adults

(don't push granny in the nettle bush) • It is used when someone is going a bit far in their behaviour/request. It basically means that they should not exaggerate.

"En plus de l'aider avec son projet je dois aussi faire la vaisselle? Faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties!"

"After I helped him with his project I also have to do the dishes? Don't push grandma in the nettle bush!"

Confirmed by 13 people


French France

Mon petit doigt m’a dit

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Adults

(My little finger has told me) • The idiom is a playful way of announcing that you know something when you don’t want to reveal the source of your information. It is the French equivalent of the English idiom 'a little birdie told me'.

"Tu n’as pas fait la vaisselle hier." "Comment tu le sais?" "Mon petit doigt me l’a dit!"

"You didn't do the dishes yesterday." "How do you know?" "My little finger told me!"

Confirmed by 18 people

Latin Netherlands


Abbreviation USED On Occasion BY Adults

Short for "lectori salutem" - greeting to the reader - used like the English "to whom it may concern".

"L.S., we willen u graag laten weten dat..."

"L.S., we would like to inform you that..."

Italian Italy

olio di gomito

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(elbow oil) • Effort, hard work.

"Ci vuole un po' di olio di gomito per pulire il pavimento."

"You need a little elbow oil to clean the floor."

Confirmed by 6 people

Spanish Argentina

¿sos hijo de vidriero?

Expression USED Frequently BY Adults

(are you a glazier's son?) • Used when someone stands in front of the TV when you're watching it, as if they were invisible or see-through.

"¡Movete! ¿Sos hijo de vidriero?"

"Move! Are you a glazier's son?

Confirmed by 7 people

Spanish Argentina

se te cayó una década

Expression USED Very frequently BY Adults

(you dropped a decade) • When someone says something that gives away they are not young, something that only people of a certain age would know or be familiar with.

"Cuando era chica miraba Tom y Jerry." "Se te cayó una década."

"When I was a kid I used to watch Tom and Jerry." "You dropped a decade."

Confirmed by 8 people


Hungarian Hungary

kéz és lábtörést!

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(break your arm and leg) • Wishing luck to someone, usually before a performance.

"Képzeld, holnap egy színdarabban fogok játszani. " "Kéz és lábtörést!"

"Guess what, I'll be in a play tomorrow." "Break your arm and leg!"

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Spain

hacer el Miliki

Expression USED On Occasion BY Adults

(to do the Miliki) • Miliki was a famous Spanish clown in the last decades of the 20th century. The expression is used when someone does something dumb or acts like a clown.

''¡Bájate de esa silla y deja de hacer el Miliki!''

''Get down of that chair and stop doing the Miliki!''

Confirmed by 3 people

Spanish Mexico

tirar la casa por la ventana

Slang USED Very frequently BY Adults

(to throw the house out the window) • To spare no expense for something and therefore spend too much money on something. Especially used for celebrations e.g. birthdays or weddings.

"Ellos tiraron la casa por la ventana en su boda."

"They threw the house out the window at their wedding."

Confirmed by 4 people

Afrikaans South Africa and Namibia


Word USED Frequently BY Adults

(n.) • (drunken grief) • Someone has "dronkverdriet" when they are crying, emotional or depressed after they drank a lot of alcohol.

"Hoekom huil sy? Sy het dronkverdriet want sy het te veel gedrink."

"Why is she crying? She has drunken grief because she drank too much."