Romanian Romania

a-i sări muștarul

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to have his mustard jump off) • to lose temper

"Ascultându-l pe soțul meu că spune asta, mi-a sărit muștarul."

"Hearing my husband say that, it had my mustard jump off."


Romanian Romania

a-i pica fisa

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(to drop his coin) • It means that someone received something good without expecting it.

"Și atunci i-a picat fisa lui Michael."

"And that's when it dawned on Michael."



German Germany

dumm wie Bohnenstroh

Idiom USED On Rare Occasion BY Some People

(interj.) • (dumb as a bean haulm) • Describes a stupid person.

"Er ist wirklich dumm wie Bohnenstroh!"

"He’s dumb as a dumb as bean haulm!"

Confirmed by 2 people

German Germany

auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(a blind chicken will also find a seed) • Used when even though you're not very competent or good at something, you succeed. It's usually used pejoratively or dismissively or to belittle someone.

"Hey, ich habe es geschafft!" "Auch ein blindes Huhn findet mal ein Korn."

"Hey, I made it!" "Even a blind chicken can find a seed sometimes."

Confirmed by 4 people



English London, United Kingdom

a cock and bull story

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Londoners

It means a long-winded story that is nonsense. The literal translation of the expression is from cock or rooster to donkey/ass.

"Some men’s whole delight is to talk of a Cock and Bull over a pot." (the earliest example in print: The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton,1621)

Indonesian Indonesia

telur di ujung tanduk

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Some People

(an egg on the tip of a horn) • Whenever someone faces a very difficult situation, someone would occasionally say "you're an egg on the tip of a horn." Although this is not often used by Indonesians anymore, it is occasionally still said from time to time.

"Putra sering berjudi dengan orang lain di kosnya. Setelah dia telah menghabiskan semua uangnya, hidupnya bagaikan telur di ujung tanduk. Karena dia telah menghabiskan semua uangya dan tidak mampu untuk membayar kosnya."

"Putra often gambles with people in his apartment. After he spent all his money, his life was like an egg on the tip of the horn. It is because he spent all his money and he's unable to pay for his rent."

English United States

ride shotgun

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Young People

To ride in the front passenger seat of a vehicle. To ride shotgun is the goal of the game "calling shotgun", where people try to claim this front seat first. Possibly derived from film depictions of stagecoaches, where the person riding next to the driver would carry a shotgun.

"Riley rode shotgun the last time we drove to the park; now, it's my turn!"

Confirmed by 8 people



Czech Czechia

není to moje parketa

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(it's not my parquet floor) • Used when something isn't really your thing or you don't like it or aren't able to do it.

''Nechceš si zatancovat?'' ''Ne, díky. Tanec není zrovna moje parketa.''

''Do you want to dance?'' ''No, thanks. Dancing is not really my parquet floor.''

Confirmed by 3 people

Polish Poland

odkryć Amerykę

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (to discover America) • To say something obvious while being convinced that you were the first person to discover it.

"Dzisiaj mamy egzamin z historii!" "Odkryłeś Amerykę"

"We have a history exam today!" "You discovered America..."

Confirmed by 3 people


Spanish Argentina

el día del arquero

Idiom USED Very frequently BY Almost Everyone

(the goalkeeper's day) • Used when something is unlikely to happen.

"Los políticos van a ser honestos el día del arquero."

"Politicians will be honest on the goalkeeper's day."

Confirmed by 5 people


Portuguese Brazil

dar pano pra manga

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Everyone

(to give cloth for sleeves) • The expression is used when it seems like the situation can initiate a lengthy discussion or be matter for gossip. It is mainly used to refer to polemic, controversial or far-too-complex subjects.

"A separação daquele casal vai dar pano pra manga."

"The breakup of that couple is going to give cloth for sleeves."

Confirmed by 4 people

German German speaking countries

den Führerschein im Lotto gewonnen haben

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Angry Drivers

(to have won your driver's license in the lottery) • This phrase is usually used while driving when another driver makes a mistake or drives carelessly.

Autofahrer missachtet die Vorrangregeln - "Hast du deinen Führerschein im Lotto gewonnen oder was?"

A driver ignores the priority rules - "Have you won your driver's licence in the lottery or something?"

Confirmed by 2 people


Indonesian Indonesia

gaji buta

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(blind salary) • Salary or reward given to someone who does very few works to almost nothing. The shorter version of this phrase, gabut, is also used as a slang that means doing nothing or nothing to do.

"Kerja yang benar! Jangan makan gaji buta!"

"Do the work properly! Don't eat blind salary!"


French France

il pleut des cordes

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(it's raining ropes) • Used to describe heavy rainfall.

"Oh non, il pleut des cordes et je dois rentrer à pied !"

"Oh no, it's raining ropes and I have to go back home on foot!"

Confirmed by 5 people

Italian Italy

stare con le mani in mano

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(to be with the hands in the hands) • You use "stare con le mani in mano" to say that someone doesn't do anything when they're supposed to.

"Non stare con le mani in mano, aiutami a portare i piatti."

"Don't be with the hands in the hands, help me bring the dishes."

Confirmed by 12 people



German | Swabian Swabia, Germany

's Läba isch koi Schlotzer

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Swabians

(Life is not a lollipop) • Used as a response when someone complains about a small problem or task. Meaning life is not always easy.

"Ich hab noch soviel zu tun..." "s Läba osch koi Schlotzer"

"I have sooo much to do..." "Life is not a lollipop"

Confirmed by 4 people


Polish Poland

być nie w sosie

Idiom USED Frequently BY Everyone

(v.) • (to be not in the sauce) • To be in a bad mood.

"Czemu jesteś nie w sosie? Coś się stało?"

"Why are you not in the sauce? Something happened?"

Confirmed by 3 people

Polish Poland

twardy orzech do zgryzienia

Idiom USED Frequently BY Almost Everyone

(a hard nut to bite) • An expression used to say that something's not easy, hard to solve or to understand

"Jego choroba to twardy orzech do zgryzienia. Nie wiem, co mu jest."

"His disease is a hard nut to bite. I don't know what's wrong with him."

Confirmed by 3 people

French French speaking countries

Ce n’est pas de la tarte

Idiom USED On Occasion BY Almost Everyone

(It's not a tart) • Used to say that something is not easy to do.

"Ce n’est pas de la tarte ce jeu!"

"This game is not easy!"

Confirmed by 8 people

Czech Czechia

to není žádná procházka růžovým sadem.

Idiom USED Frequently BY Anyone

(it is no walk through a rose/pink orchard) • It is no easy feat, it is in fact a very hard thing to do.

"Pro Ivana Lendla nebyl tento zápas žádnou procházkou růžovým sadem."

"The match was not a walk through a rose orchard for Ivan Lendl."

Confirmed by 3 people